By Don Woodruff - 16 Years Ago
A fellow on the FE forum found and purchased a ney in unopened crate complete 56 ford HiPo kit 2x4 intake, heads, carbs,linkage, aircleaner, cam and lifters. see below. The seller purchased it new paid $300 back in the day. That for you younkers was BIG money, about a months gross wages for a well paid guy. The kit was new in crate and fron the pictures in immaculate condition. Made an amazing purchase.....Today, from the original owner, where it has sat under his workbench for over 50 years. A complete "High Power" engine modification kit for the 1956 312 engine - still in the crate! Part no. B6A-9000-B stenciled on the crate. Kit consists of: alum 2x4 intake w/2 'teapot' carbs, 2 'special' cyl heads, camshaft and lifters, gy-normous 2x4 air cleaner, all linkage and lines, hardware/brkts etc, dist recurve kit w/instructions, all gaskets, even the hot air tube system for the (2) automatic chokes. Also has 3 page installation instructions listing Dearborn Steel Tubing(!) as the contact for customer service. I have noted that the carbs mount 'backwards' with a very FE-like 2x4 linkage setup. The old boy told me he ordered it from the Ford dealer and paid around $300 - "big money back in those days". Needless to say, opening and unpacking that crate for inspection was almost a religious experience! I'm an FE guy, but I figure the Y-block/T-bird folks might have a special appreciation for a genuine 'time capsule'. Randy Millard (Henrysnephew)
By Ted - 16 Years Ago
Don. Thanks for sharing. It would be nice if the cam specs were reversed engineered before it got away though. This being found just goes to show just what is still laying around and never was used. Similarly, I’ve had my eye on some Ardun cylinder heads for a Flattie that are new in the boxes and have simply been put up for half a century. As an FYI, the duplicate post you had under the This-N-That section I took the liberty of deleting.
By 63 Red Stake Bed - 16 Years Ago
Wow! Out of curiosity, what are the casting letters or numbers on the underside of the intake port pads of those heads? They look unique indeed! It might be interesting as Ted mentioned to ship the cam off to get it's grind specifications taken so that the grind can be reproduced for others use. Very cool find!
By Oldmics - 16 Years Ago
I have the specs for the cam.Just never knew that it was used in that kit! Got them from Dennis K Cereal Killer or Don Woodruff-I attempted to join that Forum to Contact Randy with no success. Apparently the Forum is not taking applications at this time. Would one of you gentlemen please P.M. him since your a member and ask him to contact me at I have much information to add and also questions about the kit. An incredable piece of history that I have been working on for years! Thank you,John Harding Oldmics
By Hoosier Hurricane - 16 Years Ago
Those C heads reportedly were milled .060 at the factory for the kit. If the original owner got the kit for $300, he got a deal. When Hot Rod Mag reported on Emil "Bird on the Wing" Constantino's engine build, they stated that he had to give $400 for the kit, and all he wanted was the intake.
By bird55 - 16 Years Ago
awesome find, just curious enough to wonder what he paid, I'd never tell!
Yesterday at the Tulsa Tbird Regionals I looked at a 56 bird with the original "dealer added 2-4 setUp". Indeed a rare setup for a 56. see if I can check the head #'s today.
Lots of other good stuff there as well, 2 blower cars and several e-setUps.
I'll try to get some pics t.
By Unibodyguy - 16 Years Ago
EDB-6250-B 1/14/56 B6A-6250-E 260/260 .278/.278 112 .019H/.019H 22 BTDC 0.0150 58 ABDC 0.0150 66 BBDC 0.0150 14 ATDC 0.0150
Here are the cam specs from the F.E Site for the package, not as wild as I thought it might be.
By Don Woodruff - 16 Years Ago
Oldmics: Randy e-mailed me you two had touched base, I had e-mailed him your request. I had voluntered to get the cam "cam doctored" But that probably will not happen. I do not think I would let the parts leave my sight with out cash in hand.
By Ted - 16 Years Ago
Specs in my literature for the EDB-B cam are as follows which differs slightly from what’s posted above: Cam lobe lift int & exh – 0.273” Int opens… 22° BTDC @ 0.015” Int close… 58° ABDC @ 0.015” Exh opens. 58° BBDC @ 0.015” Exh close . 14° ATDC @ 0.015” Int opens .. 18° ATDC @ 0.100” Int close… 18° ABDC @ 0.100” Exh opens . 26° BBDC @ 0.100” Exh close.. 26° BTDC @ 0.100” The cam will have an “E” stamped on the nose of it.
Typos in service bulletins are not unheard of though. It would be nice to know if the cam in that kit does indeed have the “E” on the front of it. And being Cam Doctored would verify the specs as I’ve reverse engineered several cams now that did not match up to the original specifications.
By Oldmics - 16 Years Ago
Don Woodruff Thank you for eMailing Randy.I do appreciate it  Since I have communication with Randy I will ask about the "E" on the camshaft. Be interesting to see where this goes. Oldmics
By PF Arcand - 16 Years Ago
Ted: Would the kit have been a late 1956 one or early 57? The heads are 1956 passenger car, (possibly milled as noted) but the Cam is apparently a 57 "D" code, advertised at 256 degrees as used in 312s, & probably used in 292 & 272 applications also. While a rare and interesting find, it wouldn't appear strictly speaking, not to be a racing kit. As you say, it would be interesting to have the cam checked out for spec's by yourself or maybe John Mummert in CA.
By Ted - 16 Years Ago
Paul. I don’t have literature identifying specific part numbers of the individual parts used in the kits but there’s a good chance the kit components were upgraded over time. I would suspect that the overall kit numbers changed when the kit components changed. I do have a Ford letter here to the dealers dated Feb 4, 1957 offering the B6A-9000-B hipo kit for $100 whereas they had been previously priced at $315.00 dealer net.
By Oldmics - 16 Years Ago
That is interesting about the two cams part number being the same (EDB-6250-B) and having two differing grinds. Randys cam does not have an "E" stamped on the sprocket hub. I"m gonna guess that even though the two cams share the same part number,the stamped "E" designates the difference in what the grind is. PF,the cam that you mention (the 256 duration unit) is part # EDB-6250-C which is not the camshaft found in the kit. Hope this helps.  Oldmics
By Don Woodruff - 16 Years Ago
I did not find it, re read my post.