Need supercharged insigjht
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By 63 Red Stake Bed - 15 Years Ago
Ok, I rencently stumbled upon a good set of 471'S, & want to get some advice regarding the necessary strengthening that I should do, or can I gamble & keep boost lower & avoid disaster as well as an entire build right now?

I built the motor about 14 years & less than 15,000 miles ago. The rods & crank are standard issue (C1te rods) for 63. Crank is cast, but was echanged wit a reputable crank company. 2

It runs strong, but needs better heads as I currently run a set of over ported C1TE's with 1.78 intake valves. I am not sure I have the patients to scrounge up all the mucculoth parts, so my intent is to go with one of the other belt driven products on the market today. I' fab brackets etc, & most likely do a blow through holley of the newer variety on my B manifold.

What I am looking for is someone who can say "hold up there kid, I tried this & this is what happened.".

Criticizim is welcome!
By Hoosier Hurricane - 15 Years Ago
Red Stake:

About all I can offer is that there won't be much difference between your C1TE heads and the 471s for street use with a blower.  The compression ratios are essentially the same, and the bigger 471 valves won't do much except in the 5000 rpm and up range.