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By Dan - 16 Years Ago
Thought I would update everyone on the progress of our project. We are still gathering up the rest of the rebuild parts as budget allows, we are VERY close. Need rod bearings, rings, cam bearings and a few misc. gaskets and I think we are set. Going to have my friend install guides in the heads for us. I showed the kids how to knurl and some of the students even did one of the heads but he offered to do our guides so I think I'll have them done. Found a couple local sources here for the generator and bracket, crank pulley and exhasut manifolds, hopefully he has what we need. Also looking for 3 strom. 97's or holley 94's for our edelbrock intake (I know I should have bought all the hard parts we needed first before the flash but I had a moment of weakness Smile ) Have our lifters boxed up and ready to ship to Oregon Cam Grinding to get a fresh set.

Couple ??? - What clearances do I check on our oil pump to see if it is useable or not? What is the verdict on balancing a y-block (may be able to talk my friend who is doing the heads into balancing it as well. All in all things are going great, thanks again to all who have helped and donated - this project would never had happened if not for your help!! I do have one extra set of T-Bird valve cover stickers of anyone wants them, thanks!

By PWH42 - 16 Years Ago
What size rod bearings do you need?I have a set of .020 under rod bearings that were installed in a short block for a week and then removed when I went a different direction with that engine.They are new Clevites.If they will work for you send me a mailing address and they're yours.
By Dan - 16 Years Ago
thanks for the offer, ours are standard, I appreciate it though!
By mctim64 - 16 Years Ago
If you can get it balanced, Do it!  Wink
By Ted - 16 Years Ago
Dan (2/24/2009)
Couple ??? - What clearances do I check on our oil pump to see if it is useable or not?

Specs for the gerotor style of oil pump are as follows:

Rotor end clearance: 0.001-0.0035"

Inner rotor to outer rotor clearance: 0.005-0.010"

Outer rotor to housing clearance: 0.006-0.009"

Drive shaft to housing clearance: 0.0015-0.0029”

Relief piston to bore clearance: 0.0015-0.0029”

Relief valve spring tension: 9.2-10.4 lbs at 0.80”

Cover plate screws: 95-100 inch pounds.


Specs for the spur gear style of oil pump are as follows:

Gears end clearance: 0.003”-0.006”

Gear to housing clearance: 0.0015-0.006

Drive shaft to housing clearance: 0.0015-0.0029”

Drive gear to shaft clearance: 0.001-0.002”

Relief valve spring tension: 9.76-9.84 lbs at 1.56”

Cover plate screws: 12-15 ft/lbs torque


For both pumps:

Be sure the oil pressure relief valve works freely in its bore.

The three bolts that attach the oil pump to the block: 12-15 ft/lbs torque