Can someone Post a pic of these heads
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By 2DRHRDTP57 - 16 Years Ago
Anyone got a picture of these heads,  the scan / pic in an earlier thread seems to have died???BigGrin
By mctim64 - 16 Years Ago
It still comes up for Me, more of the photo problems for some browsers I suspect.
By 2DRHRDTP57 - 16 Years Ago
o.k. dont know why but i can see it now. thkxs
By MoonShadow - 16 Years Ago
Sorry guys. I had made an update to my website and accidently deleted the head picture. It should be ok now. Chuck in NH

By 63 Red Stake Bed - 16 Years Ago
Well a picture says a thousand words for sure!

But it's been a while since anyone has commented on the status of the new heads. Anyone have any news? Are their any "underground tests" being performed by John or others on the prototypes yet? I could just picture the engine being transported in the back of a pickup, with vinyl cladding to disguize them...

Oh, Sorry, my imagination goes a little whacky on this topic.

But seriously what's the update?
By Barry L - 16 Years Ago
Hi    I visited John two weeks ago while on a fly to Vegas,drive a rental to San Diego, L.A.and back to Vegas vacation.Spent a couple hours with him at the end of his work day.....enjoyed a shop tour and a quick porting lesson on a set of 113 heads.John is a great guy to talk to,very friendly and knowledgeable.I would encourage anyone that needs Y parts to support him and his Y efforts.He had just recently gotten his CNC mill fully operational after several months of glitches.He was working on milling finned valley covers and alt. brackets. As for the alum. heads,he was going to have some of the latest versions cast shortly.He didn't want to farm out the machining and didn't want to have a stack of them sitting before he got his in-house machining capabilities up to speed. I'm not sure when we can expect to see them for sale,but I'm guessing it won't be too long!!              Barry L   back in the cold ,west of Winnipeg
By yehaabill - 16 Years Ago
Y-Guys       Kinda' quite on the heads...Anyone heard or have an update??


By Barry L - 16 Years Ago
manifolds and heads update

              I talked to John M.  today and he said he is machining the new intakes and is having a test head cast tomorrow.He is still catching up on past projects and daily " making a living " work. Progress is being made!! He finished off a run of finned valley covers and has a bunch of those available.   Barry L