shop project update
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By Dan - 16 Years Ago
Gonna try and post some pics of our build in the school shop up to now. We have the block bored and the pistons installed on the rods. Just waiting now to get bearings, gaskets, etc. Folks here on the board have been way more than generous donating parts to the build - when we finish any unused parts will be offered up to those who may need them.

By pcmenten - 16 Years Ago
Looks like you are building an ECG 272.

Don't forget to drill the steam holes in both the block deck and the heads.

And, what is that stuck into the dipstick hole in the front of the block? A bolt?

Is that block painted Cheby orange? Horrors!

Looks like fun.
By mctim64 - 16 Years Ago
Looks great! thanks for posting the pictures, keep us updated. Smile

Nice clean shop.

By 2DRHRDTP57 - 16 Years Ago
pcmenten (11/20/2008)

Don't forget to drill the steam holes in both the block deck and the heads.

Steam holes???? Can you explain identify etc ??? Is this just a 272 thing???


By Ted - 16 Years Ago
Don’t get overwrought about not having the steam holes if they are not there.  When Ford put the 292 into the lower profiled hooded ‘60-62 cars with the subsequently lower than engine radiators, there was an inclination for steam pockets to form between the center cylinders if the engine became slightly low on coolant.  To insure these steam pockets didn’t form, small holes were put in the block and the heads between the center cylinders to insure the air between the cylinders was bled off.  If inclined to add the 3/16" holes to the block, then use the head gasket as a pattern for the hole location.  If the heads don’t have the steam holes, then it’s a moot point unless the holes are also put in the heads also.  If the engine is going into an earlier Ford or a pickup, then the steam holes don’t necessarily need to be added by lieu of the coolant level having to be much lower before an issue with steam pockets becomes an issue.
By DANIEL TINDER - 16 Years Ago
Sounds like "Catch 22". Holes drilled in block/heads suggested (interrupted surface) as more likely to allow place for cracks to start.

John Mummert commented that non-drilled, 113 heads are often found with cracks in water jacket near the adjacent exhaust valves.

Maybe the guideline should be: Highly stressed performance motor likely better off without holes, so integrity of gasket/block/head best? A careless owner who might let the coolant level drop in a milder/stock driver car could benefit most from the steam holes?
By Eddie Paskey - 16 Years Ago
When John Did my engine he did put the holes in.  Complete rebuild-- 331 stroker--Street port heads--Engle cam- etc etc..     Use a very sharp drill and go slow.  Good luck.  Dan sure appreciate what you are doing for those young fellows!!!

  God Bless---   Hope this helps     Eddie

By mctim64 - 16 Years Ago

the cam was dropped off at FedEx today and will go on the road Monday.  You should see it in 3-4 days. Anything else you need or cant find?  Do you have a four BBL intake yet? I don't have an extra right now, but I wonder if someone out there might have one that has a small flaw, broken ear or something, that is repairable that they might donate.

I know I'm very interested in seeing these High school kids get a proper education in Y-Blocks, this is the next generation we are talking about. BigGrin

By Dan - 16 Years Ago
thank you so much, cant tell you how much I appreciate it - we dont have a 4 bbl intake right now and I know that we are going to be missing some fasteners (head bolts, etc.) thanks again for all the help!!
By mctim64 - 16 Years Ago

I do have a decent set of used Ex valves and some head bolts ready to ship if you would like them. Just let me know if you would like any other small items an if I have them I can send them along.

I imagine you are out of school for Christmas for a couple of weeks.

By Dan - 16 Years Ago
yeah we'll be gone for a bit starting tomorrow at noon...looks like we could use dist. hold down, front timing cover bolts, head of the stuff I think we could source at the hardware store (for fasteners anyhow) thanks again - heres to everyone having a great holiday!