By montana ford man - Last Month
I thought I would change my old throw out bearing before I put my engine and transmission back in my 55 crown. Went to Orielly s they don’t have one and the ones I saw all said made in china. Where would be a good source to get one? Once again I trust advice I get from you guys
By KULTULZ - Last Month
Well, it can take one of two as to how the car was built -
Either supposedly is available as a FORD LICENSED PART so they are repros. DENNIS CARPENTER is one seller. Make sure to verify.
By montana ford man - Last Month
Went to a bearing supply store and they said it was obsolete item. So I will check Dennis Carpenter. Thank you
By alanfreeman - Last Month
Here is a NORS USA made bearing and hub assembly for sale on Ebay. Lots of pictures so you can compare it with the one removed from your car. I suspect that the bearings offered by Carpenter are probably China or Taiwan made so I would stick with USA NOS or NORS parts.
By KULTULZ - Last Month
By paul2748 - 7 days ago
This does not mean that DC makes the parts themselves. Most are contracted out. I have heard that lately they are having parts made overseas, china included.
By alanfreeman - 7 days ago
I agree with Paul. The bearing is most likely China, Taiwan or Mexico made as it seems like even the leading aftermarket USA parts manufacturing companies are sourcing their parts from these countries. I have read many complaints on this site and the HAMB site from owners about DC electrical and other mechanical parts that failed way too soon. Given the fact that a transmission removal is required to fix a failed throw out bearing, I would go with an older USA made NORS part rather than a reproduction part from DC or any other USA company that sells new parts made overseas.
By Deyomatic - 7 days ago
Probably worth a call to DC, just to make sure.
By KULTULZ - 7 days ago
MADE IN USA left the SAN FRANCISCO docks in the seventies. Just because something is made out of country does not condemn that product as junk parts were made here also. GERMANY, JAPAN and TAIWAN are leaders in quality parts. It is just too costly to manufacture here due to government regulations and cost of labor. Manufacturing is now world-wide as to service the world market.
I am not happy with it either, but that is just the way it is. Late vehicle parts are made world-wide, some good and some not so good. It is the luck of the draw especially on a low volume part such as a throw-out bearing for an early FORD. I would rather have something made on original tooling rather than a CHI-CON SLOPPY COPY FISHER-PRICE SERIES.
When you see an ad such as this, you pick up the phone and ask for source. If either they can't answer or hee-haw, you simply put the phone down and chance the EVIL-BAY leftovers that you have no idea of quality and/or condition.
And it all is going to get a lot worse, especially in this hobby.
By paul2748 - 6 days ago
Check ebay for an original part. Los of stuff on there, you never know.