This year’s America’s Most Beautiful Roadster
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By famdoc3 - Last Month
Has a beautiful built Yblock blown 312 no small block scrubby! Way to go Troy!
By miker - Last Month
Yes! And buried in the interview I read was a comment on the supercharger “some guy in Texas puts modern internals in” or something thereabouts. Our own Pat. (Suede57?) who’s on here occasionally. He did mine for my F code clone 17-18 years ago.

Beautiful car and engine
By Blind Willie - Last Month

By Blind Willie - Last Month
Just had to see what it looked like.  

By Deyomatic - Last Month
What does he mean by it all being "O-Ringed?"  How does one use O-rings to seal an intake, or a valley pan?
By miker - Last Month
If you’ve got enough time, or money, or both, and a milling machine I suppose you can o ring almost anything. Why? Perfection I suppose?
By Daniel Jessup - Last Month
"You gotta be able to work on 'em" ?

Tongue I've been able to work on Y Blocks just fine for 35 years using OEM gaskets and all the rest. No one ever told me I needed O-rings so that I could "work on 'em" but what do I know?