1956 Ford Dynamometer Building - testing a y-block

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By Blind Willie - 2 Months Ago
Interesting set up!  Looks like you could eat off the floor.http://forums.y-blocksforever.com/uploads/images/14b55a4e-5703-438c-ae0d-1b5.jpeg
By MoonShadow - 2 Months Ago
Engineers have a mental disorder for cleanliness.
By Ted - 2 Months Ago
Quite the difference when looking at my own dyno room.
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Months Ago
A friend of mine who actually ran Y- blocks in the day on those Ford dynos commented on that exact picture when I asked him if he knew the man standing at the instruments on the wall. He replied that that picture was totally staged. An engine prepped to be run on a dyno woud not have a fan installed and had many interesting stories he shared with me.  Ted, thanks for the pic of your dyno room - nice. A couple more pics as a walk around tour would be quite interesting in the future. I have never seen an engine being run on a dyno and have many questions as to how it works and how it's used.