Can this site host articles like the Y Block Magazine used to bring to the masses?
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By Joe-JDC - Last Year
I really miss the information available to us every two months about who was racing, building a new engine, or coming up with new ideas to make the Y a better engine to live with on a daily basis.  I miss the coverage of dyno sessions, Engine Masters Challenges, etc..  Can this site be formatted to receive articles that can be archived?  Just wanting to keep the Y alive as long as possible.  Joe-JDC
By 55blacktie - Last Year
Great suggestion! I would be willing to pay a subscription fee to see those articles here.
By Blind Willie - Last Year
I agree with 55blacktie. I once took screenshots of a Yblock Magazine article by John Mummert that was posted as part of a Bringatrailer listing for a 56 Tbird. The article had great information about a high performance street build.
By Blind Willie - Last Year
See link to the listing. The invoice for the engine build is also shown, $10K.
By miker - Last Year
I’d be in for something like that. I don’t know the “how’s or what’s” to running a site, or the cost. I know some have advertising for non members. Some even for members, etc. But I wouldn’t blink at the subscription cost of the y block magazine as a buy in. Or add reduction, etc.

Bruce sure didn’t make any money doing it, and none of the capable interested parties have the time. Must be a solution out there somewhere. What I do know is I greatly appreciate the people who maintain this site.
By Ted - Last Year
Total agreement on the need for an outlet or area for articles normally printed in the Y-Block Magazine.  I submitted a number of articles for the last issue which is still in the works.  Bruce’s health is keeping him from working diligently on that last issue.

In looking at the YBF site, there is section for articles.  I will have to get with Jim on what it takes to access that section to add more articles.  Here is a screen shot showing where that section is on the main header page.  
By Daniel Jessup - Last Year
I called Bob "Flash" Martin last week and talked Y Block Magazine with him. I have not heard from Bruce in quite some time. Bob says that Bruce is still working on issue 174. The last issue I have received was 172. I did write Bob about trying to get issue 173 but have not heard anything yet.

In the spring of 2023, I offered to travel to visit Bruce and review everything to help things get organized (back when I lived in Ohio). He acted as if he was not quite ready for that yet and still wanted to get issue 173 out. (which it is my understanding that he did.) Bruce did say back then that he did not have very many digital files and that the magazine was printed old school with layouts, kind of like the way you would prep a high school yearbook with graph paper. 

I would like to buy issue 173 if someone would like to sell me a copy since I have not heard from Bruce in quite some time.

thank you
By Ted - Last Year
Dan.  I sent you an email.  Ted.
By Daniel Jessup - Last Year
Thank you Ted, I believe I followed your offer and sent a message to the number you gave me. If you did not receive it, do let me know.