Master Power Brakes
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By Skyliner57 - Last Week
I have Master Power Brakes in two cars, a 56 Ford and 57 Ford. In both cases the pedal is only about 1 /2 from the floor. I have an extension for the arm from the pedal. Has anyone had experience replacing this arm? Do I need to remove the booster or can I replace it from under the dash.Thanks
By KULTULZ - Last Week
You have aftermarket kits on both cars from MASTER POWER BRAKES?
By miker - Last Week
Sorry, I’m not understanding you. “Arm from the pedal”. Do you mean the rod from the arm that goes thru the firewall and pushes on the booster (or the master cylinder on manual brakes)
By Skyliner57 - Last Week
The flat steel arm that attach's to the pedal arm. From the pedal it goes into the rubber boot, I assume then to the master cylinder push rod?. These are both aftermarket kits from Master Power Brake.  Before I pulled the boot off I thought I would ask if anyone has worked on these units.
By KULTULZ - Last Week
The BEST thing to do (IMO) before modifying is to contact MPB (or research their TECH INFO on the inner-screen) to see if you can identify the problem(s).

Nothing in the INSTRUCTION SHEET(s)?

The cars are drum/drum or disc/drum?
By KULTULZ - 8 days ago

On either year car, there should be an eccentric @ the pedal arm to enable adjusting pedal height.

It will be described in your WSM.


They do offer an extension -

By Skyliner57 - Last Week
OK-good info thanks.