Y-block Cam Cores

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By 55blacktie - Last Year
I talked to Jerry Cantrell (Schneider Cams) this morning, regarding the availability of new Y-block cam cores. Jerry hasn't been able to get new cores for months, and he doesn't know that any more will be made. If you want a Schneider cam, it will be a re-grind on your core. 

Where are the major camshaft manufacturers getting their Y-block cam cores?
By Cliff - Last Year
Call Isky
By DryLakesRacer - Last Year
Jerry is a great guy. He has agreed to grind me a roller cam for my GMC 6. I had a blank “spool” with bearings ground and distributor gear hobbed and not roughed….There are no roller blanks for these engines either. I found one after 8 years of looking…. .990” diameter roller tappet are the hens teeth.
By Litshoot - Last Year
i talked to Oregon cam end of august, they said they had cores but could regrind stock cam to 108 lsa.  Also apparently can mix and match any of their intake and exhaust lobe profiles. ive spent hours trying to understand cam events effects, and what sources say y-blocks like to blend together so i can have a stupid lopey idle, but need to behave well enough on cruise because its technically my daily driver and gets used maybe 20 days a year for travel, truck duties and trips to work.
By 55blacktie - Last Year
I've been there and done that. If Ken (Oregon Cams) has new cores, I don't know why Jerry Cantrell (Schneider) can't get them. Maybe what Ken has have been on the shelf for a while. Rather than spending hours second guessing what grind you should get, tell Ken what you want and leave it to him. However, you won't know exactly what you've got until it's installed and running. The cam should be part of a package, not just part of the engine, but part of the vehicle, and all of the parts should complement each other and work in harmony to obtain the result you're looking for. Just my two cents, but I question whether you can have "a stupid lopey idle" in a daily driver that "behaves well enough on cruise..., truck duties and trips to work." I would give priority to the latter, and pull a couple of plug wires while idling in a parking lot.