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By PF Arcand - Last Year
Ted: I've been off here recently, but came back today. Tried to Link to J. Mummerts site, but our virus protection says it's not safe & really wants to block my post.. Comments?. Thanks- Paul
By Ted - Last Year
Some browsers are pickier than others on what sites can be easily accessed.  I have four different browsers on my computer and it’s Chrome that gives me the most “Not Secure” warnings before allowing me to access some sites.  Type in “not secure browser message” in your search bar for much more information on this.  See if the following helps.
When a website’s URL has HTTPS, it can indicate a secure connection. Connections to sites that use HTTPS are more secure than those that don’t. When you turn on Always use secure connections, Chrome attempts to load all sites over HTTPS and displays a warning before you visit a site that doesn’t support it.
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, select More Organize and then Settings.
  3. On the left, select Privacy and security and then Security.
  4. Turn on Always use secure connections.
Tip: When you’re about to load a site that doesn’t use HTTPS in its URL, a “Not Secure” warning appears in the address bar.