2024 Y-Block Shoot Out

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By Ted - Last Year
RB (1/30/2024)
Has anyone heard of any plans for a 2024 shootout?

Bob Martin is working on the Y-Block Shoot Out taking place at Edgewater (Ohio) on the July 12-13-14, 2024 Weekend.  This is not set in stone yet.  As currently scheduled, Friday will be Test & Tune, Saturday is Brackets and Stick Shifts, and Sunday is Muscle Car Fun Day.  Bob will let us know which day or days the actual Y Shootout will take place assuming the Y’s can be worked into the schedule.
By MoonShadow - Last Year
Are we still on for the Shootout?
By Ted - Last Year
As of 2/14/24, nothing set in stone yet.  Waiting on Bob for confirmation and details of a Y Shootout at Edgewater.
By charliemccraney - Last Year
It will be at Edgewater Sports Park, Cleves, Oh, July 12-14.

By hjh - Last Year
Edgewater Race Way Park has a nice Y-Block flyer on their web site promoting the Y-Block shoot  July 12,13,14 . 2024 It looks like there will be a lot racing for every one beyond the shoot out. I hope there is a good turn out of Y-Blockers. Some times people will say OH; I remember them.  Harry Hutten Jr. {Recovering}
By Ted - Last Year
I for one, do plan on making the Y Shootout at Edgewater, Ohio.  As a FYI, I will be staying at the Super Eight in Harrison.
By charliemccraney - Last Year

Update From Bob:

Edgewater Gate Openings, Entries, Payouts

As Promised, now less than 2-weeks to the 28thY-Block Nationals & Shootouts at Edgewater, Fri-Sat-Sun, July 12-13-14,here’s the current Track Opening Times; Race Permit/Entry Fees; Payouts; andadditional information.  I’m sending thisin e-mail and as an attachment (one might be larger print than the other), plusattachments of the original e-mail overview, plus maps to the track and motelsfrom that same original e-mail.  I’msending this to those that I know are coming, those that are tentative, andthose I have not yet heard replies from or about those from other sources.

Track Website address:     edgewaterrace.com   (there’s two ‘r’s there).  There you will find all the currentinformation, including the rules.  Theone of importance is for the few of us Y-Blocks that can run 9.99 or quickerthat must have an NHRA License, and either an engine diaper or protectivedevice like what Ted Eaton has.  They arealso on Facebook for those that go there.

Track Address:  4918East Miami River Road, Cleves, OH. Besides my maps, you can go to GoogleMaps for directions

Track Phone Number:    513-353-4666

Track Radio Station:  87.9 FM    We need to stationsomeone listening to the radio, as we have occasionally missed the call to thelanes and go up late.  Where we get intotrouble is that happening, and Y-Blocks end up in groups at the end of the lineand running Y-Blocks instead of other racers. If we pit in more than one location, the problem is amplified.  Bring a portable radio and listen to it ifyou don’t listen to the announcer.

Thursday, July 11th:  NOTE, this is the ‘Midwest Drags – EdgewaterStop’ event.  It is put on by twoKentucky tracks (Kentucky Dragway & Beech Bend), and therefore, I believe(without checking), that it would present a difficult answer at the gate to bethere just to drop your trailer.  Thegate will obviously manned by additional Kentucky Track members who have noknowledge of us – or what’s happening the rest of the weekend.  For this reason, I’m not presenting openingtimes or admissions.

Friday, July 12th,Tune & Test: 

Summer Hours, the Track Gatesopen at 5 PM.  Track is Hot 5:30-10:30.  NOTE – in 2018 & 2019, racers, especiallyY-Blocks got there early, and when the area between the gates and E.Miami RiverRoad fills up, they have to open the gates to keep the cars off the road.  Think about it.

Track Permits $35, Crew/Spectators $15, Kids 10 & under in free.  I suspect that since Saturday is the Track’s6th Bracket Points Event, that there might be a bunch of otherracers there to do some T&T and drop their Trailers, rather than just a FridayT&T bunch.  The gates will open early….

Some of us Y-Blocks will pit by the return road fence aboutthe 1/8-mile.  Others might go to theshade of the trees.  Hence, pitting inmore than one location.  Repeat, bring aportable radio, especially if you don’t listen to the announcer.

Note:  When you gothru Tech, when passed, you will get a sticker placed on your windshield.  LEAVE IT THERE.  That way, you won’t have to go thru Techagain during the weekend.  This is whatwas done in 2018 & 2019.  I’ll talkto Event Director.  If this has changed,I’ll let you know.  Also ask Tech aboutit!!!


Saturday, July 13th,Bracket Points Race #6. 

The Track Gates openat 1 PM.  Time runs at 2:30, Eliminationsfollowing.  Edgewater doesn’t have acurfew when high car counts run late.

When you get to the Track Gate, Specify the Bracket youintend to race in from below.  Most of uswill run in Sportsman.  You can also sayyou are running with the Y-Blocks.  Wemight have our own Time Runs in addition to our own Y-Block Shootout.

Note the Run Order:   Pro,    Super Pro,    Bike,    Sportsman,    & Juniors. 

We’ll have to see, based on car counts, where they put the Y-Block in the Run Order.  We have to pay attention to that too in orderto get to the lanes, not only for our Shootout, but especially for the Bracketwe are also running in, so we know when we have to get back quickly to run theother.  We have history, not only fromEdgewater, but also at other tracks, where we are on the track when the callfor the next round is made and we miss the call and miss the round, and areeliminated from that Bracket, and even from our Y-Block Shootout.  It’s happened….. NOTE ALSO, the run ordermight be determined the day of the race, based on car counts in all theBrackets (and Y-Block car count).

-         In all Brackets: Spectators $15, Kid 10 & under in free

Super Pro, on the1/8-Mile,  4.50 – 7.75;  Delay Box, Tranny Brake, Slicks, the wholeshootin match….

Entry:  $75; Buy-Backs $40

Guaranteed Payouts: Over 99 cars $2500/Win, $600 R/U; 75-99 cars $2000/Win, 600 R/U; 65-74 cars $1800/Win, $600 R/U; 50-64cars $1500/Win, $500 R/U; 30-49 cars $1200/Win, $400 R/U.

Pro, on the1/8-mile, similar to Super Pro, but No Delay Box, No Stutter Box.  Tranny Brakes allowed.

Entry:  $50; Buy-Backs $30

Guaranteed Payouts: Over 59 Cars $1200/Win, $450 R/U; 50-59 cars $1000/Win, $400 R/U; 41-49 cars $800/Win, $400 R/U; 33-40 cars $700/Win, $300 R/U; 25-32 cars$600/Win, $250 R/U.

Sportsman, on the1/4-mile, 11.60-19.99:  NoElectronics/Delay Box.  DOT Drag Radials& Slicks OK.

Entry:  $40; Buy-Backs $25

Guaranteed Payouts: Over 54 cars $500/Win, $200 R/U; 45-54 Cars $400/Win, $150 R/U; 33-44 cars $350/Win, $150 R/U; 25-32 cars $300/Win, $125 R/U; 12-24 cars $250/Win, $100 R/U.

United ManualTransmission Racers, UMTR Stick Shifts on 1/4-Mile:  Quick Stick 7.50-11.99, $60 Entry;  Street Stick 10.50-17.99, $40 Entry.  No Electronics/Delay Boxes.  Rev Limiter & Line Locks OK.  Helmet Required.

Track Tech inspection to put color sticker on upper rightcorner of windshield, AND, All drivers must sign-in at the UMTR trailer beforeyou can make a time run.  Win, R/U &Semi Payouts based on car counts. Recommend Courtesy Staging, ie, both cars light top bulb before lightingbottom bulb –no double bulbing.  Driverscan change Dial between rounds.  Once staged,‘You bought the Dial’.  “No Rulebook canreplace common sense.  Courtesy andCommon Sense are expected and appreciated.


Sunday, July 14, MuscleCar Fun Day:  Drags, Car Show ($25) &Swaps ($25)

Gates Open 9 AM,Track Hot at 10 AM, Eliminations at Noon. All Brackets/Classes on a .500 Full Tree.    All Racing Brackets/Classes Entry perbelow.  Crew/Spectators $15 etc.    NoDouble Entries


Quick 32 on the1/4-Mile.   $50 Entry based on 32-car field. No Electronics / Delay Boxes. 9.99 & Quicker must have NHRA License.  Non-Qualifiers can run ‘1/8-Mile All Run’ or 1/4-Mile Sportsman.

$500/Win,  $300 R/U, $125 Semi,  $50 Quarters.


1/8-Mile All Run,includes non-Qualifiers from Quick 32 above. Both Box (electronics) & No-Boxcars.  Track will try and keep Box& No-Box separate as far as possible in eliminations.  $50Entry.  6.39 & Quicker must haveNHRA License.

$1000/Win,  $300 R/U, $125 Semi/32-car field.


1/4-MileSportsman, includes non-Qualifiers from Quick 32 above.  $50Entry.  No Box/electronics, no TrannyBrake.  Must run DOT Tires / DOT DragRadials.

$400/Win, $200 R/U,$100 Semi, $50 Quarters, $25 Eighths/32-car field.


1/4-Mile StickShifts.  Must leave the line witha clutch.  $50 Entry.  9.99 &Quicker must have NHRA License.

$400/Win,  $200 R/U, $100 Semi,  $50 Quarters, $25Eights/32-car field.


With regard to all of the above, I’ve been told by racersthat have gone to Edgewater at various times that you might pay a fee at thegate to get into the track (probably the Crew/Spectator fee of $15), then, atTech, once you have decided on which Bracket/Class you enter, the remainder ofthat Bracket/Class Race Permit.  We’llhave to cover that at the track.  ‘Itshould all come out in the wash’

On Sunday, they serve Breakfast ‘At the Patio’ (where theyserved food by Tech), and they have opened the building by the 1/8-mile on theSpectator Side for ‘First Round something or other’ (a better word or phrasefor losers).

Note that I currently have about $850 in the prize Fund todate, and will work on our Prize monies at the track.

I’ll be in touch,

Bob Martin, Cincinnati


Cell:   513-706-1971

Resize Editor
By pintoplumber - Last Year
Is it true there was no y block only race on Saturday?
By Ted - Last Year
pintoplumber (8/13/2024)
Is it true there was no y block only race on Saturday?

No Y Shootout on Saturday.  The Y cars were running in the various bracket classes on Saturday.  There should have been a Saturday Y Shootout, but the track officials were not following the posted itinerary.

Some of the Y cars were only there for the Saturday running of the event and could not make the Sunday eliminations which reduced the Y count for Sunday.  There was a Y Shootout on Sunday though but the rains came in with 3 Y cars remaining to run.  That ended the racing for everyone.

By pintoplumber - Last Year
Oh my, I guess that was a big disappointment.
By Lord Gaga - Last Year
What was your impression of that track compared to Nat. Trail or 42?
Ted (2/14/2024)
As of 2/14/24, nothing set in stone yet.  Waiting on Bob for confirmation and details of a Y Shootout at Edgewater.

By MoonShadow - Last Year
It's a decent older track with a friendly staff and well organized. Parking is mostly on grass but plentiful. The worst part is that access is via two lane rural roads for quite a distance. All in all a good track.
By Ted - Last Year
Lord Gaga (8/15/2024)
What was your impression of that track compared to Nat. Trail or 42?

Have not been to National Trails Dragway since 2015 but that track up until then was a very good track and always well organized. Prior to 2016, I had raced at National Trails twelve different years.  I do remember how short the shutdown area was compared to other ¼ mile tracks.  I have raced at Edgewater twice now and at Dragway 42 three times.  In comparing those two tracks, the Edgewater track is much closer for myself than the Dragway 42 track.  Going to Dragway 42 rather than Edgewater adds another 4 hours of total trip time to an already lengthy trip from Texas.  For my truck, that’s another 28 gallons of fuel.

Track prep at both Dragway 42 and Edgewater was good so no issues there.  Comparing the two tracks from this year’s perspective, the racing program itself was better organized at the Dragway 42 event than at the Edgewater event.  My understanding is that there was a new track director this year at Edgewater and that may have contributed to some of the delays and the lack of a Y Shootout on Saturday.  On Sunday, there was too much emphasis at Edgewater in getting the car count even in all the classes at the end of the day rather than keeping to a routine or more speedy schedule.  This caused long delays for those classes that did not have the same number of vehicles in their classes as in the more heavily loaded classes.  My opinion is that some of the classes, if not all of them, could have been completed before the rains came in had those classes with the lower car counts simply been run in a more sequential schedule.

The sound system at Edgewater was better as there is an echo between the speakers at Dragway 42 making it difficult to make out what’s being broadcast.  Portable radios tuned to the track specific radio stations helps at both tracks though.  Track prep at both was similar but for whatever reason, my car is noticeably slower at Edgewater than at Dragway 42.  Not sure why as it could be related to weather, altitude, or a variety of other factors. Great shade at both tracks if one is so inclined to park under the trees.

By pintoplumber - Last Year
I think my heart is in National Trail. It was the 1st track I ever went down, (at a blazing 21 seconds). We could test and tune all day Friday which was a big help for me. Plenty of motels and restaurants. I raced Ted the 1st time there, I saw him in my rear view mirror waaay back, so I hit the brakes at the finish line. Not knowing how really fast he is, I lost. Great memories there.