Want to add dual diaphragm and brake booster for 55 Ford fairlane. 2 choices

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By tom t - 2 Years Ago
If I change my brake from single to  a dual diaphragm with brake booster why are they showing 7" or 8". Both items show tat they are compatible. Which one do I use.
By cokefirst - 2 Years Ago
Your question is not clear.  Do you mean that you want to replace a single reservoir master cylinder with a dual reservoir master cylinder?  Your second question is about the booster,  Are you asking if you should use a 7" or 8" vacuum brake booster?
By KULTULZ - 2 Years Ago
You are saying you want to go to a dual circuit (reservoir) MC and are confused by either 7" or 8" DUALING DIAPHRAGM BOOSTER?

The DUALING DIAPHRAMS are used for tight spaces (as you will have in the 1956 with FYB exhaust manifolds) as opposed to one large diaphragm.



Please be very careful of the kit you choose as there is a lot of junk kits (CHI-COM and GM) and vendors out there.