New Valve Covers from YBloke...
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By Deyomatic - 2 Years Ago
Saw a set of these online last year and fell in love with them.  Contacted YBloke down in Australia and am thrilled- worth the wait.
By Joe-JDC - 2 Years Ago
There was a set on Craig's list here locally for a couple of months listed at $2500.00, and then when they didn't sell, slowly come down to $1750.00.  I don't know if they sold or were just taken off listing.  Claimed they were NOS.  Joe-JDC
By Deyomatic - 2 Years Ago
Joe- I think that same set (maybe the same seller) is up on the HAMB...They're slightly different, with a smaller "M," but I'm pretty pleased with a SIGNIFICANT cost savings.  Clearly "NOS" isn't a concern that I have!
By paul2748 - 2 Years Ago
The 312 in my 54 originally came out of a 56 Merc.  So I would like to get a set of aluminum Merc covers like these  like to get a
By charliemccraney - 2 Years Ago
Paul, those aren't Ybloke but they are similar to a Ybloke design.
By Deyomatic - 2 Years Ago
Here's Y Bloke's link.  I also really like his OTHER Mercury ones here...

By DryLakesRacer - 2 Years Ago
Here’s something I found.. If you bought a Thunderbird and didn’t want or buy the aluminum rocker arm covers the decal on the black steel ones were not what we see on the standard car in 55-56. These are listed for Thunderbirds only and are reproduced so they may not be perfectly authentic as I’ve never really seen a black set on a Thunderbird…..but different none the less.