56 column shift back up light switch

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By Rono - Last Year
Hi guys; Planning on doing a power steering conversion on our 56 Ranch Wagon and want to change out the steering column. I'll be using a Borgeson power steering box with a universal 28" tilt column shift column. In doing that, you loose the back up switch mounting location. We are still using the Ford O Matic tranny so I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to use/mount an alternative back up light switch?

Thanks, Rono
By DryLakesRacer - Last Year
Just a guess, but buy looking at the stock switch I would think a little fabrication clamp on the the new column to the arm going to the trans can be made. It’s a “momentary” switch as it makes contact in reverse as the arm to the trans passes from neutral to park. It’s a tight place to work especially I’d you’ve upgraded the master cylinder.. 
The option down on the trams arm is always an option…
By miker - Last Year
If it doesn’t work out on the column, Lokar and Gennie make trans mount backup light switches. You’ll probably have to fab a bracket etc. for the Fordo, but it should be doable. How you handle the neutral safety sw? Been a long time since I dealt with a column and and Fordo.
By Rono - Last Year
Thanks for the replies guys! I really appreciate it. I'll take a look at the Gennie and Lokar switches and yes, it's tight in there because I do have the brake booster in the way. The Fordo was rebuilt recently and is working fine, but a C4 is in the future. I think these new columns will work with either tranny. The wagon has a new EZ wiring harness which should be compatible with the column wiring without any adaptor (I hope), but I'm not sure about a neutral safety switch. I never tried to start the car in "D", only in park.
By PF Arcand - Last Year
I'm confused?.. I'll assume you may need to move the Neutral start also?.. Anyway, you said you only start it in Park. It's my understanding that up thru 1957 all Fordomatics  only  start in Neutral.. Yes no?.. For what it's worth,  I've heard that Borgensons kits are seldom a full conversion. Many parts are based on G.M. parts, so?..