Just checking

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By miker - 2 Years Ago
Looks like it’s back up, just checking to see if we can post.
By miker - 2 Years Ago
Worked. Thanks Ted and all for the hard work.
By patm - 2 Years Ago
Good to have it back, thank you.

Pat in AZ
By CobraJoe - 2 Years Ago
Good to be back, thanks.
By Joe-JDC - 2 Years Ago
Things have been very quiet for a couple of weeks.  Just to remember what a Y Block looks like.  Still can't post a picture.  I tried from photos, computer hard drive, etc.,  nothing.  Joe-JDC
By Ted - 2 Years Ago
Picture posting appears to be back.
By Joe-JDC - 2 Years Ago
I'll give it another try.  Didn't work for me.  Just get a box saying please wait----------------and nothing.  Joe-JDC
By paul2748 - 2 Years Ago
Doesn't work for me either - Firefox browser ? - never had a problem before..  Tried EDGE -that didn't work either.
By Ted - 2 Years Ago
I have let Jim know that the picture posting capability is still a problem.  The YBF forums shutting down last week was a result of trying to fix that particular problem so let’s cross our fingers on this one.
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Glad the site is up and running again, thank you.  I'll wate a while before attempting to send any pics. If anyone can mess up a coputer, that would be me. It always forces the text to roll off to the sides of the picture.??