2023 Y Block Shootout weekend now set...

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By Daniel Jessup - 3 Years Ago
I have been told that the weekend for the Y Block Shootout will be June 16-18. More details are still to come, but for all practical purposes, the Y Block Shootout will only be held on Saturday the 17th. Dragway 42 in West Salem, Ohio will hold their Thursday Thunder on the 15th, the 16th will be a Gamblers race with a "Fords vs World" and will also be run by Dragway 42. Saturday the 17th will be a Ford only event and that is when the Shootout will take place.

Fast Fords will not be renting out the track on Sunday the 18th. However, Dragway 42 will have a points event bracket race with Sportsman, No box and Box classes.
By Vic Correnti - 3 Years Ago
By RB - 3 Years Ago
Good for me on the dates.. No conflict with the Back to the 50s car show.. One day shootout is a disappointment , but as long as we can race with the other events I am OK with it
By hjh - 3 Years Ago
Dan   Did Fast Fords mention if they have the track for most of the day on Friday?  If so I wonder If they could work a Y-Block race in on Friday?   Having only one shoot-out is like going back to the old days when we first started. Thanks Harry
By Daniel Jessup - 3 Years Ago
hjh (12/28/2022)
Dan   Did Fast Fords mention if they have the track for most of the day on Friday?  If so I wonder If they could work a Y-Block race in on Friday?   Having only one shoot-out is like going back to the old days when we first started. Thanks Harry

Tony said that he did not rent the track on Sunday for 2023 for two reasons: 1. The price to rent the track has gone up considerably, more than 20%. 2. Last year it seemed that the number of racers was noticeably down on Sunday when compared to 2021. 

I am not sure what can be done. I do plan to see Bob Martin after the new year and see what he says. Maybe there is something we could do on Sunday (or even Friday) with the track. We may not have the luxury of having a Ford man color commentate from the tower, but maybe we could talk the track owners into letting us do a Y Block Shootout earlier in the day before everyone shows up for the Test and Tune like they normally have on Friday. We would need guys to show up. Last year the number of Y Blockers was considerably down even though we had great weather.