By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
If you could buy the best intake for the Y Block for all out performance, what would you choose? I have four intakes from Mr. Mummert that I was fortunate to test back to back on the dyno with a serious Y Block engine. These intakes were not tested in "as cast" condition, but were ported by me for my personal 375 cubic inch Y. I spent two days at Ted's dyno stressing these intakes to their limit in NA (naturally aspirated) form. I believe we have just about reached the limits of airflow with the current series of Mummert aluminum heads and intake manifolds. Anyway, the intakes are the Mummert dual plane, Single plane 4150 carb, Single plane Dominator, and the Tunnel Ram(modified). This is the engine that I took to EMC in 2018 expecting to have good race gas to compete with, but found they were using 100 octane which resulted in 5 of the 7 Vintage Class engines detonating themselves to death(mine included) and I finished in 2nd place to Jon Kaase. I have rebuilt the engine with several modifications since the fiasco at EMC. I did a half fill of the block, honed the cylinders +.001", coated the pistons again, new rings, Mike Jones camshaft, new Trend lifters +.100" to work with the larger camshaft lobes, reworked the heads, intakes, and added electric water pump motor. Here are the intakes. Which one do you think made the most torque and or horsepower? Joe-JDC  
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
On the dyno pictures. Joe-JDC   
By Ted - 3 Years Ago
Here’s the picture of the Mummert dual plane on the engine that was also used in this round of testing.
By Ted - 3 Years Ago
More pictures of Joe’s Ford Y-Block engine on the dyno.
By bird55 - 3 Years Ago
What's the purpose of the additional thickness spacer on the headers to the heads
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
These heads are angle milled .125", and when received from JM, the exhaust side was not milled back to the same angle as a stock head causing the header to hit the oil filter and block. I added the 1/2" spacer to move the header out further, and also give the exhaust port some taper to speed up the exhaust flow into the header. Ted milled the exhaust side of the head back to the correct angle for me before this rebuild, and I chose to keep the plate there to help the exhaust port. It was allowed in the Vintage Class at EMC, so I chose to make use of every "trick" to up the horsepower, if possible. Moving the header away from the sparkplug wires is also a good thing. Joe-JDC  
By bird55 - 3 Years Ago
Thanks for the in-depth answer. Very thorough.
By PF Arcand - 3 Years Ago
Very interesting stuff!... So, do we get the answer to JDC's question, as to which combination gave the most H.P & or Torque readings?.. Or is this possibly going to be released in Y-Block Magazine first ?..
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
Check the posts below this where the answers are listed. Single 4V makes 613 hp. Joe-JDC
Here's the link. SINGLE 4V INTAKE MAKES 613 HORSEPOWER ! (
By Richard - 3 Years Ago
Very tasty intakes. what are the differences on the three intakes shown together and how can I get one. John if your viewing this please send me a PM or email prices and availability
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
The intakes are single plane for 4150 style Holley, and single plane with Dominator carb pad. The intake manifold on the right( in the picture above) is a single plane 4150 that I ported after I got back from the 2019 EMC for testing on the 303Y where it made about 12 extra horsepower. I wanted to test it on my 375 Y, and I have been waiting on the opportunity. There is a big difference in horsepower on a well built engine over the dual plane intakes. There was a 13 hp difference in the 4150 style carbs, and 30 hp difference on the 4150 single plane with the Dominator and super sucker on the 375Y. With the single plane Dominator and tunnel ram, there was a 35 hp difference on the 375 Y.   