By FORD DEARBORN - 3 Years Ago
Not Y related but just curious as to what fuel prices are in the western US, particularly in California? Just went above $5+ in Michigan.
By Ted - 3 Years Ago
$4.39-$4.49 currently for 87 octane in Central Texas (Waco area). Went up over $0.25 just in the last week.
By darrell - 3 Years Ago
cheap.its apporaching 10 bucks for the old imperial gallon in about 8.50 for us gallon.
By 55blacktie - 3 Years Ago
I paid $5.68/gal for 87 a few days ago at a Sacramento-area Costco. San Francisco Bay Area scrubron charges $7.00. The most expensive gas in the U.S. is $9.60/gal for 87, $9.90 for 91 at a scrubron station in Mendocino, CA, which is on the coast, about 2 hours north of San Francisco. The price will continue to go up as long as we are willing to pay it. Obviously, most people don't have a choice.
By Daniel Jessup - 3 Years Ago
I just returned early Saturday morning the 4th from a trip to Nevada and Arizona to see both the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam. I flew in and out of Las Vegas and had to fill up the rental car just before returning to the airport. I payed $4.69 in Kingman, Arizona on the way out Williams - it was a little cheaper in Williams at $4.58. In Las Vegas however, I payed $5.31 at a Kroger about 5 miles from the airport.
By darrell - 3 Years Ago
its hard to break old hadits.if you got the money you put it in and go.
By 55blacktie - 3 Years Ago
Unfortunately, a lot of people don't have the money, which means they do without/max out their credit cards. So far, no one has stolen my gas; they would have to come onto my property to do it, but that didn't stop a homeless person from stealing aluminum cans.
If the government were to cap the price of gas, we would soon see a gas shortage. It's all about supply and demand. I don't plan on going on any joyrides for awhile.
By DryLakesRacer - 3 Years Ago
So Cal Orange County is over $6 every where. I usually buy from Sams now at 5.64 and not “top tier” and long lines but not for my 56.
By carl - 3 Years Ago
California has to pay a sunshine tax HaHa Carl
By 55blacktie - 3 Years Ago
Too many people, too many cars, and yet growth is encouraged. California's population has tripled since 1955.
By rponfick - 3 Years Ago
And, it is not going to get any better any time soon. The world has to get it act together before we see any progress. Ralph
By paul2748 - 3 Years Ago
I'm not sure it's about supply and demand. There seems to be plenty of gas around (seen any stations saying no gas today?). Between the speculators and the oil companies, someone is making a lot of money - our money. I would like to see what kind of profits the oil companies report
By slumlord444 - 3 Years Ago
$5.09 here in Southern Illinois for regular.
By Just Brian - 3 Years Ago
Around $11.00 a gallon in central North Island New Zealand.
By Lord Gaga - 3 Years Ago
"Too many women and too many pills"...Shoot to Thrill, AC/DC  55blacktie (6/5/2022)
Too many people, too many cars, and yet growth is encouraged. California's population has tripled since 1955.
By paul2748 - 3 Years Ago
I heard a report that said exxon-mobil profits have doubled over the last few months.
By FORD DEARBORN - 3 Years Ago
I apologize for pushing the thread a little off subject but check Exxon Mobol stock (XOM) for the last 12 months..............
By Florida_Phil - 3 Years Ago
Two years ago, nobody would touch an oil company's stock and banks wouldn't lend money for oil investment. Most US refineries are between 50 and 120 years old, with the average age right about 40. When you make oil enemy number one before you have a working alternative, this is what happens. Blaming oil companies is not going to fix the problem. The government should call all the oil executives to the white house and ask them what can be done. This will never happen because those in power don't want to hear it.
By 55blacktie - 3 Years Ago
If the oil companies can sustain/increase profits by selling less gas, there's no incentive for them to produce more. When it's gone, it's gone. Producing more could result in a surplus, in which case prices will come down. Buying less gas will have the same effect, but how many people are willing/able to do that?
By PF Arcand - 3 Years Ago
Blacktie, is on to something all the Politition's never talk about. He mentions that Calif's population has tripled since 1955!. Hense Water shortages, Wildfires etc. And up here in western Canada record floods etc. Still our esteemed (?), Canadian Prime Minister is inviting 200,000+ people a year to come to Canada! .And we wonder why housing prices here have doubled in just a few years & the price of fuel has also doubled etc.. And then of course Covid 19 hit.. Mother Nature is rebelling!. As one of my car buddies says & he's seen a lot in his now 90 years.. "too many people". Winston Churchill, a man who had seen a lot in his life time, said many years ago, a couple should only have 2 children, 3 at the most, because you might lose one. The World is moving towards 8 Billion people!!. Historians have estimated that in year 1800, the world's estimated population was likely about 1.3 Billion.. And we wonder why comodities like Gas keep climbing in price?....
By DANIEL TINDER - 3 Years Ago
If you think the prospect of fuel shortages are worrisome (you can always walk), think about ‘food’ (what to eat then?). It likely takes 10X the resources to produce meat/dairy than veggies & grains (much of which now goes to feed livestock instead of people). Glad I won’t be around when that 8 billion becomes 16 billion starving people! Things could get tense.
By slumlord444 - 3 Years Ago
I've said for decades that if we don't do something to slow or stop the population increase mother nature will and she will not be nice about it. The planet cannot continue to support an increasing population. Gasoline is one of many problems. When we start running out of food and water things will get nasty really quick. Hope I'm long gone before that happens but I worry about my kids and grandkids.
By Lord Gaga - 3 Years Ago

By PF Arcand - 3 Years Ago
N.B.- Another thing causing the rise in prices is the " insanity" happening over in the Ukraine.. Apparently that country has some of the best agriculture land anywhere near Russia. And fairly well developed industry also. Putin & company want to take it back, at any cost!. Uncertainity seldom results in lower prices of major commodities..
By PF Arcand - 3 Years Ago
N.B.- Slumlord has hit on a subject that the Polititions largley avoid.. From a book issued a few years ago called the "Population Bomb". There's no way the price of commodities like oil can stay low, when there is a never ending increase in demand.. Historians have estimated the world's population around year 1800 was about 1.25 -1.3 billion. It's now headed for "8" Billion!.. Hence amongst other things, the push towards electric cars.. But, I don't see that as a panacea either, but that's a subject for another format..
By DANIEL TINDER - 3 Years Ago
DANIEL TINDER (6/14/2022)
If you think the prospect of fuel shortages are worrisome (you can always walk), think about ‘food’ (what to eat then?). It likely takes 10X the resources to produce meat/dairy than veggies & grains (much of which now goes to feed livestock instead of people). Glad I won’t be around when that 8 billion becomes 16 billion starving people! Things could get tense.
Forgot to mention: WATER; Takes a lot longer to die of starvation than thirst. The soybean/corn growers in my neighborhood have all installed motive irrigation systems, and are draining the water table, forcing adjoining homeowners to drill expensive deep wells. While I don’t begrudge independent farmers a living, I suspect factory/industrial farm lobbyists will prevent local politicians from acting responsibly, since profit always supersedes the public welfare.
By 2721955meteor - 3 Years Ago
PF Arcand (6/14/2022)
Blacktie, is on to something all the Politition's never talk about. He mentions that Calif's population has tripled since 1955!. Hense Water shortages, Wildfires etc. And up here in western Canada record floods etc. Still our esteemed (?), Canadian Prime Minister is inviting 200,000+ people a year to come to Canada! .And we wonder why housing prices here have doubled in just a few years & the price of fuel has also doubled etc.. And then of course Covid 19 hit.. Mother Nature is rebelling!. As one of my car buddies says & he's seen a lot in his now 90 years.. "too many people". Winston Churchill, a man who had seen a lot in his life time, said many years ago, a couple should only have 2 children, 3 at the most, because you might lose one. The World is moving towards 8 Billion people!!. Historians have estimated that in year 1800, the world's estimated population was likely about 1.3 Billion.. And we wonder why comodities like Gas keep climbing in price?....
By 2721955meteor - 3 Years Ago
we in canada have huge supply of crude oil, but our brain dead leader still thinks we should drive a electric home
By Hollow Head - 3 Years Ago
One gallon of 95E10 gasoline is about 9,16 us dollars here in Finland near Russian border.
By Lord Gaga - 3 Years Ago
I have an all electric home but I can't drive it!2721955meteor (7/17/2022)
we in canada have huge supply of crude oil, but our brain dead leader still thinks we should drive a electric home
By paul2748 - 3 Years Ago
Gas is down about .75 to .85 per gallon from it's high here. Think the oil company has regrets? NAH
By Tedster - 3 Years Ago
There's certainly plenty of blame to go around right now on the usual suspects for sky high energy prices, but the oil companies aren't at the top of the list.
By paul2748 - 3 Years Ago
The only others are the speculators/commodity traders. Wait til you see the oil co's profits reports
Tedster (7/28/2022)
There's certainly plenty of blame to go around right now on the usual suspects for sky high energy prices, but the oil companies aren't at the top of the list.
By paul2748 - 3 Years Ago
Three of the biggest oil companies reported profits today - all had record profits
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
$3.32-$3.39/gal. here in SATX. Never thought I would be glad to buy a truck fill at these prices. Joe-JDC
By MoonShadow - 3 Years Ago
Lowest is $4.17 so far here in New Hampshire.
By Tedster - 3 Years Ago
paul2748 (7/28/2022)
The only others are the speculators/commodity traders. Wait til you see the oil co's profits reports Tedster (7/28/2022)
There's certainly plenty of blame to go around right now on the usual suspects for sky high energy prices, but the oil companies aren't at the top of the list.
Well they aren't a charity - and price controls don't work. What do you suggest?
How would you explain the commensurate and concurrent price increases on virtually everything else as well? Do we blame "Big Food"? Monetary inflation, supply chain disruptions, good old supply and demand, most of our problems lay squarely on idiot/wicked politicians and unelected bureaucrats wielding great power over our basic energy infrastructure.
When gas was $2 bucks a couple years ago, and they were shutting down wells and laying off oil field workers nobody was on here lamenting their fate.
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
They certainly weren't shutting down wells and laying off people here in South Texas. It was booming with oil, natural gas, and the economy was booming everywhere around the local area. One of my sons was driving a sand truck for fracking, and he was so busy he had to work 14 hour days until the big shutdown under the present administration. He was laid off, and was out of work for several months due to the cut back on oil refinery and natural gas shipping. Gas was stable at $1.69 for nearly the whole term under the previous administration, and everyone was working. Joe-JDC
By MoonShadow - 3 Years Ago
The previous administration opened up drilling permits and oil exploration on previously banned locations. The result was increased production and a promising environment for the American Oil Business. The current administration reversed all of that. Its just that simple! Nothing to do with Ukraine, Russia or Saudi Arabia.
By Joe-JDC - 3 Years Ago
Yes, the current administration reversed the increased productivity, best economy, and caused the worst inflation in my 76 years on this earth. Joe-JDC
By Dave V - 3 Years Ago
If the oil companies did have record profits could it be that it is due to their concern about our leaders campaign promise " I will completely eliminate all fosil fuels"
By 55blacktie - 3 Years Ago
IF/when that happens, they will walk away with billions. Unfortunately, it's the working man who will find himself standing in an unemployment line that will pay the price. Do you think some of those billions will be spent on retraining those unemployed employees or setting them up in a different line of work? Doubtful. Those who are retired could see their pensions and health benefits go away as well, but executives will probably get bonuses and nice severance packages (like they'll need them).
By PF Arcand - 3 Years Ago
Supply & Demand pricing & Inflation aren't really the same thing.. The terms are incorrectly used all the time in the Media. Blameing big oil for most of the general present price increases is missing the point. Inflation is largely a product of bad government/central bank money policies.. A famous Economist of the past, stated that only central governments could take a valuable product like paper, print numbers on it, & "render it worthless ! "...
By PF Arcand - 3 Years Ago
...Further on high gas prices along with every other goods.. As predicted by some scientists a while back, it's estimated that there are now about " 8 Billion people" in the world today!. Also some are predicting chronic food shortages.. Apparently the main areas of population spread are in some African countries, India & China. At one time China had a reduce population plan, but they dropped it some time back.. No wonder we have high prices on virtually all products. And then there's also Global Warming, which is likely in part due to a burgening population.. Unfortunately, I don't expect any really significant drop in fuel prices any time soon..
By DANIEL TINDER - 3 Years Ago
PF Arcand (8/2/2022)
Supply & Demand pricing & Inflation aren't really the same thing.. The terms are incorrectly used all the time in the Media. Blameing big oil for most of the general present price increases is missing the point. Inflation is largely a product of bad government/central bank money policies.. A famous Economist of the past, stated that only central governments could take a valuable product like paper, print numbers on it, & "render it worthless ! "... I used to puzzle over why ‘inflation’ existed at all (the last gas fill-up cost me double what I paid for my first two cars put together, though admittedly they weren’t running😁). While wrong-headed government policy is often complicit, the main reason is mentioned in your last post: namely: population increase. More people needing money….more money created…pre-existing money supply worth less. Even if all governments were sound, and their citizens thus confident of currency value, increasing population has to mean an increased money supply to sustain a capitalist economy. THAT is one way supply & demand’ is actually relevant.