New Blue Thunder PCV Valve Covers
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By Daniel Jessup - 4 Years Ago
Ok, who on the site already has a set of these and did not tell us?

They look pretty nice...
By Ted - 4 Years Ago
The Blue Thunder valve covers have been brought up earlier.  Here’s the link.
Let’s see your valve covers (  
By Daniel Jessup - 4 Years Ago
sorry Ted, I guess I missed that post...

I had not seen these available anywhere until they popped up on eBay just yesterday in one of my searches. Even the Blue Thunder website does not have a listing for these as of yet. Do you sell these through your business by chance?
By Ted - 4 Years Ago
Afraid I am not a Blue Thunder dealer.  Don Hyde at FordCraft in Dallas is a BT dealer though.
The phone number for FordCraft is (972) 423-4636 .
By Tealy64 - 3 Years Ago
I just saw these on Ebay last week and thought "these must be a knock off or something...they're so nice!"   Glad to hear they're legit. justify the coin for them.