By John Mummert - 4 Years Ago
A customer gave me this link a a new serpentine belt set-up Looks nice!

By famdoc3 - 4 Years Ago
Where is the link. I might be really interested in it. Thanks for posting it. MIKE
By Genuinerod - 4 Years Ago
I too, would be interested in this set up for my T-Bird. Bring it on.
By 55blacktie - 4 Years Ago
It looks complicated and expensive.
By charliemccraney - 4 Years Ago
I remember someone in the Facebook group, I think, saying they were working with March to develop a Serpentine kit.
I hope that it has actually been fitted in a vehicle and the lower radiator hose fits.
EDIT: I think this one is not March. It's probably or someone related to that.
Here's another pic from the facebook group, in progress:

By paul2748 - 4 Years Ago
What does this do that a V belt doesn't besides the wow factor??
By Cliff - 4 Years Ago
Isn't this like putting a miniskirt on a 70 year old woman?
By famdoc3 - 4 Years Ago
Serpentine belts run smoother and are more compact. Ideal for adding AC or powering a supercharger for those that might be so inclined. Didn’t see this listed on the fat fendered site. Any other ideas? MIKE
By charliemccraney - 4 Years Ago
The guy who posted the picture I included also posted the pic John included. fatfendergarage was referenced as a link for the pic John posted. If it is not quite ready, they may not have it listed, yet. If truly interested, contact them. Jason Noel is the guy who posted the pics, almost 2 years ago..
By 55blacktie - 4 Years Ago
Water pump/fan and generator are my only belt-driven accessories. Someone looking to extract every hp not likely to run a/c, power steering, etc. New cars are loaded down with accessories for which a serpentine system might reduce parasitic drag. On one hand, any new parts for Y-blocks is a plus, I see this being more applicable to resto-modded show cars.
By DiLL - 4 Years Ago
Summit Racing has them listed it looks like.
By 55blacktie - 4 Years Ago
Expensive is right. If I could afford $2300, I would go the extra mile and buy John's heads instead.
By KULTULZ - 4 Years Ago
... hmm ...
GM 1-Wire ALT GM PS PUMP Wonder if it will mount a FRIGIDAIRE AIR COMPRESSOR? Does it come with an AC-DELCO drive belt?
Might as well add a CHI-COM CARB and HEI DIST and go for the gusto ...
Better yet, jack the car up and run a 350 and TH-400 under it.

There is more than one kit -
By charliemccraney - 4 Years Ago
Pricing is well within range for a system like that. While there is bound to be a premium for a Y-Block version due to low production, the pricing seems reasonable for someone who wants this. I would imagine that the accessory pullies, and idlers / tensioners are "standard" items and the crank pulley, water pump pulley and brackets are unique for the Y.
By bird55 - 4 Years Ago
Never thought I would see this come to pass. New kind of life for the YBlock. Not one I would ever dabble in due to the price I think. Looks well thought out. But I don't agree with the wholesale changeover of parts to get to this point. Would definitely have to see a major horsepower increase proving it. Ted, Whatcha think?
By 58F600 - Last Year
Sorry didn't see there was another page to this topic. Hopefully I can get the crank pulley separate
By 58F600 - Last Year
Guys wondering why one would go this way and thinking it's about adding HP isn't the reason I've used them. The real reason is decreased maintenance as I've never had to remove and glass bead blast serpentine pulleys to eliminate squeaking. No more belt adjusting(minor I know)The serpentine belt will pull much more load than a single V belt. Is more compact than dual V belts, easier to get replacement belts vs matched pairs which have become less common in normal parts house stocking. Ability to use modern and more available components to drive modern control systems and accessories etc. Tons of benefits! Additional HP has never been a selling point IMO. In fact we order the kits for other cars with the "amp and flow" options that add a slight increase to Alt and Water pump speed. I've had trouble with the kits that claim to add HP as they add power by under driving the accessories. This leads to all kinds of issues. You would need to idle at 1k rpm to get most 1wire alternators to switch on, less water pump flow on mild street stuff, slow fan speeds etc. For a normal street car, these sacrifices aren't worth the 5hp you might see.
By charliemccraney - Last Year
I think it's more about simplifying the install. I don't think anyone would be using that for more hp. With few exceptions, people who desire more hp from a Y aren't adding ac, power steering and the additional weight and clutter required to do so.