what happened? - trouble replying to posts

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By Hoosier Hurricane - 4 Years Ago

Today I find that I cannot reply to posts anymore.  They want my email address and password, but nothing happens after I do that.

John (Hoosier Hurricane)
By DANIEL TINDER - 4 Years Ago
Apple OS, after latest update?  If so, join the club.  List of bugs goes on & on.
By Tedster - 4 Years Ago
Etch-a-Sketch here, works fine!
By Ted - 4 Years Ago
Try it now.
By Hoosier Hurricane - 4 Years Ago
Ted, it worked just now.  What did you have to do?

By Ted - 4 Years Ago
John.  It’s hard to say if my resetting your account actually fixed the problem you were having.  The fact that you were able to make a post explaining the problem of not being able to reply to posts points to the problem being elsewhere other than with the YBF site.  When those kinds of problems happen with the site, it typically affects everyone and that’s when I have to call Jim to get it fixed.  It’s possible that the problem was with the internet provider and that was resolved or corrected itself in that time frame between trying to reply to posts.  My own internet provider has a fair number of drop outs and/or reduction in bandwidths and if trying to post when these occurrences happen, then strange things happen.
By ian57tbird - 4 Years Ago
Just checking and it was the same for me. I re-logged back in and it fixed it.
By 55blacktie - 4 Years Ago
I've not had any trouble logging in or posting, but I've given up on trying to send PM/email. Maybe that's working fine, too, but intended recipients too busy (not interested) in replying. Some info. is just too detailed (long) and specific to post; better to PM/email.