By Dobie - 4 Years Ago
Gents, I just installed an Autolite 4100 on the 292 in my '55 Merc. The carb works great up to a point, the point being I lack about 1/2" travel of the linkage from the loud pedal to get to WOT. So my question: has anybody run into a similar situation and if you solved it, how? The carb sits on top of a 1" phenolic spacer and the 4100 manifold vacuum adapter for the PCV which is just a hair over 1" thick. The stock linkage is somewhat adjustable but there's not enough adjustment to pull the throttle lever to WOT and have it rest on the idle adjusting screw with my foot off the gas. I think I could gain a little bit by removing the phenolic spacer but I want to avoid that if possible. TIA for any insights.
By 62bigwindow - 4 Years Ago
Can the foot pedal be bent a little to allow it to pull a little more?
By Dobie - 4 Years Ago
Maybe, but that would likely require removing the entire linkage and putting it in a vise. I may have found a solution. Scott Drake makes adjustable throttle linkages for early Mustangs. The Merc linkage is very similar, and I saw a vid on YouTube where it was used on an F150 successfully. I should have it by tomorrow, so we'll see.
By Ted - 4 Years Ago
If you can move the linkage point at the carburetor arm closer or lower to pivot point, that will shorten up the travel at the carburetor required to get to full throttle. Gut feel says you need more distance at the pedal to the floor though if using an Autolite carb.
By Dobie - 4 Years Ago
I may have found a solution. Bob drake has an adjustable throttle linkage rod for early Mustangs that looks like it may work.
If it doesn't I guess I'll have to fab my own out of all thread and Heim joints. I saw a guy on YouTube do it in his driveway for a late '60s F100. Looks simple enough. How would one go about increasing gas pedal travel?
By charliemccraney - 4 Years Ago
That is what I did for my truck but I think a truck is a little easier to deal with in that regard. I got stainless threaded rod and a heim joint from Mcmaster Carr (industrial supply) for the pedal end of the rod and a quick release swivel for the carb end, from Jegs. That is particularly nice when tuning and the carb needs to come off for changes.
By Dobie - 4 Years Ago
Yeah, the truck comes out pretty much horizontal from the pedal linkage to the carb, cars have what looks like about a 20 to 30 degree up angle from the pedal linkage. I'm pretty sure I can make it work if the Mustang piece doesn't work out.
Here's a link to the guy on YouTube:
By Dobie - 4 Years Ago
I can commiserate. Just sent you a PM.