Videos from Y-blocks at Dragway 42
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By Larry Short - 4 Years Ago
here’s some videos Samantha took of Y-block‘s at dragway 42. Sorry there’s more of me but Samantha likes me better 😂

By suede57ford - 4 Years Ago
Great video.  Some really good running Y-Blocks there!

By DryLakesRacer - 4 Years Ago
Fun to watch.. brought back memories. I see the “fans in the stands” went wildSmile
By Larry Short - 4 Years Ago
Two more videos, Vic and Jim
By Ted - 4 Years Ago
Here’s an index for the videos in the first post of this thread.

#1.       Royce Brechler vs Larry Short (Warbird vs 1956 Customline Altered)

#2.       Bill Myrand vs Vic Correnti (1955 Club Sedan vs 1955 Thunderbird)

#3.       Larry Short vs Dan Bauer (1956 Customline Altered vs 1955 Ford 2 door wagon)
           Bill Myrand vs Dave Fuszner (1955 Club Sedan vs 1957 Ford)
           Adam Root vs Vic Correnti (1956 Ford F100 vs 1955 Thunderbird)
           Chris Robbins vs Steve Fleming (1956 Crown Victoria vs 1956 Ford F100)
           Ted Eaton vs Royce Brechler (23T Altered vs Warbird)

#4.       Larry Short vs Harry Hutten (1956 Customline Altered vs 1960 Mercury)

#5.       Steve Fleming vs Vic Correnti (1956 Ford F100 vs 1955 Thunderbird)
            Ted Eaton vs Larry Short (23T Altered vs 1956 Customline Altered)

#6.       Steve Fleming vs Royce Brechler (1956 Ford F100 vs Warbird)

And here’s the index for the two video links directly above.

#1.       Vic Correnti (1955 Thunderbird), great sound with Vic going through the traps.

#2.       Dan Bauer vs Jim Cochran (1955 2 dr wagon vs 1955 Ford Customline)