By paul2748 - 6 Years Ago
Is there any way to make the type darker? Ted always seems to have black type in his posts (also the listings of the posts) while most everything else is gray. It's kinda hard on my old eyes. I guess larger type as the default is out of the question??
ok, I blew it - supposed to be color in the heading.
By charliemccraney - 6 Years Ago
Use the Format option just below where you type your message.
By Joe-JDC - 6 Years Ago
You can also hold the Ctrl key down and hit the + key to enlarge the type, or to make it smaller, hold the Ctrl key down and hit the - key. Each time you hit the + or -, it will change again. Joe-JDC
By paul2748 - 6 Years Ago
Thanks Joe - It works great!!!
Joe-JDC (11/30/2019)
You can also hold the Ctrl key down and hit the + key to enlarge the type, or to make it smaller, hold the Ctrl key down and hit the - key. Each time you hit the + or -, it will change again. Joe-JDC