Stainless Steel Trim
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By Jack Groat - 5 Years Ago
The interior door stainless steel trim is dented like some ham handed klutz tried to hammer it into place.  All 4 corners are affected.  I have looked to buy new but none exists.  I need to find someone or some way to fix the dents.  I am uploading pictures but they look worse in real world than in the photos.
By MoonShadow - 5 Years Ago
There are people around that can make that trim look new again. Check with local restoration shops and/or check the adds on Hemmings. If you have patience and a good eye you could possibly do it yourself. There are documents on line that express the process. Lots of finish sanding but I've found that a small sander, like "The Mouse" works pretty well and you can find finer grits for them.
By paul2748 - 5 Years Ago
If you can find some thin metal pieces that fit inside the trim pieces you can get most of the dents out by using a hammer and going slowly.  It may seem tedious, but can be done if you go slow and checking progress after each hit.

Make sure the metal pieces are rounded  to prevent any creases
By KULTULZ - 5 Years Ago
By carl - 5 Years Ago
The trim you show is really tough to get the defects out,the reason is the cat claw brackets on the backside run the length of the trim so you cant get to the back side to work it and just about impossible to remove the brackets from them.Best  is just to find better ones to replace the old ones   Carl

By Lord Gaga - 5 Years Ago
So, fill and contour with "all Metal" bondo and paint with that real looking chrome paint.

By Jack Groat - 4 Years Ago
I found a guy in Wisconsin and he made these look as good as new.  He even replaced the bend over tabs on the backside so they can be easily re-installed.  He advertised in Hemmings.  It was not cheap.