Valve cover
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By capelo - 6 Years Ago
Hello, in a short time I will start the modification of my 292Y-Block and one of the things that I want to change is the valve cover for an aluminum one but I do not want to spend much, I have seen those of John Mumment for 195 and you are that I put in the images, what do you think? Suggestions are welcome. I do not care for second-hand material. Thanks
By capelo - 6 Years Ago
By capelo - 6 Years Ago


any opinion, tks
By paul2748 - 6 Years Ago
Who makes the Merc covers?
By Dave C - 6 Years Ago
I kinda like the looks of the Jamco covers.

By iowa fords - 6 Years Ago
If you want the aluminum cover with the Mercury script on them, they come from a company in Austrailia.

By 30 coupe - 6 Years Ago
Actually, the one with the Mercury script are made in New Zealand.  I bought 2 sets a few years ago.  I cannot remember the name of the company off hand , but I think there was a discussion here on the forum about them. maybe searching the forum will turn something up, although I have never had any luck using it, but that is probably due to my being computer illiterate.
By 30 coupe - 6 Years Ago
try this link,   Ace custom equipment.          //
By 30 coupe - 6 Years Ago
looks like it does not work as a link for some reason, you will have to copy and paste it
By 30 coupe - 6 Years Ago
Looks like the current web site price is about  $350, but I am pretty sure that is New Zealand currency.  I do not think I paid  $350 a set, but I do know that the shipping was about  $175 for both sets.  I think the price I paid was under  $200 per set plus the shipping
By blocky - 6 Years Ago
hi just a thought you could try THE Y BLOKE at in oz he does alloy covers.
By PF Arcand - 6 Years Ago
Yes, I believe he does the Mercury covers, but if your budget is low, with shipping and all it gets pricy..