Frank Rice LFM
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By pintoplumber - 17 Years Ago
Hey Frank, I got my Legendary Ford Magazine today. Cool writeup. Congratulations
By pegleg - 17 Years Ago


   Make sure whoever reads it that they drop Colin Date @ LFM a note and thank him for the Y Block coverage. That may encourage him to do more of it.

    Nice article by Tom Maruska on his F code Bird also. 

By Canadian Hot Rodder - 17 Years Ago

Just got my issue of LFM, great article, pics of the car look great accept there is this funny looking guy behind the wheel of your 57.......................oops, that's you, sorry!!!! Wink


By pegleg - 17 Years Ago
I resemble that!Unsure
By pintoplumber - 17 Years Ago
I will, Frank. When they were at Ford Carlisle, I thanked them for sponsoring Ford Expo.
By pegleg - 17 Years Ago

        They're supposed to be there (Expo) this year.