Y Block Shootout in Cincinnati

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By Daniel Jessup - 7 Years Ago
I was planning to attend this year, especially since the track is just about in my back yard. I have to leave today at 1 pm to head to Virginia and will not be back until after Sunday. It looks like the weather could be iffy, but we will certainly hope for the best. Stay safe and someone be kind enough to give us event coverage here on the forum. I cannot remember who it was, but there used to be someone that attended the shootout and took video as well? that would certainly be nice - even the pit action is great.

who all is going to be there this weekend?
By charliemccraney - 7 Years Ago
I just got to the motel.

I have recorded video in the past.  I haven't done much of that recently because my main computer is 7 years old and showing it's age and real slow to upload and edit, if need be.  I hope to be able to upgrade that soon.
By charliemccraney - 7 Years Ago
Yesterday the following people showed up, in no particular order.  There are more but I don't remember everyone's name.  Pretty good turnout.

Bob Martin
Rick Martin
Dan Bauer
Gordon Payne
John Feistritzer
Tom Drummond
Chris Robins
Greg Dietrich
Ted Eaton
Robin Church
David Church
Chuck Kline
Larry Short
Vic Correnti
Gary Burnette
Royce Brechler
Harry Hutten
Barb Hutten
Dave Fuszner
By Ol Ford Guy - 7 Years Ago
By charliemccraney - 7 Years Ago
Ted Eaton Won Saturday.  Dave Fuszner won Sunday.
By Ol Ford Guy - 7 Years Ago
Thanks Charlie
By MoonShadow - 7 Years Ago
And Chuck's blown Y Vicky ran a best time of 14.91 at 92mph! Smile Smile Smile Smile