239 Y-block for sale - Make offer

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By zuburg - 7 Years Ago
I have a 239 Y-block for sale that came in the 1956 Tbird I bought. (I was told it was a 292). It was running when I pulled it to replace it with a real 292, although not running that well. When I removed the valve covers to put on the new 292, I noticed one of the pushrods had slipped off the rocker arm. I was able to pull it out and confirm it was not broken. The block numbers indicate this came from a 1954 Ford passenger car. I would describe what I have as a long block as that is what they called the 292 I bought. The intake, valley pan, valve covers, oil pan, fuel pump, distributer, etc. are not included. Some of the photos show the distributor cap and plug wires, but I figured nobody would want them so I tossed them. I might have saved the fuel pump and oil pump when I replaced them, if you want them and I can find them you can have them. I plan to sell the distributor for it separately on Ebay. I will include pictures below. I have a video of the engine running before I pulled it and will attach it if the forum allows. The engine is currently bolted to the pallet my new engine came on as I figured that might help in transporting it.

Video: I hope this link will give you access to the video on Google Drive:
By PF Arcand - 7 Years Ago
Engines are heavy, so where is your general  location?  Also what casting letters are on the heads?
And what price?
By zuburg - 7 Years Ago
Sorry this took so long to respond. I thought I would get an email if anyone responded.

I am located in Raleigh, NC. Where are you located?

I had a little trouble finding the head casting numbers I was lookin for, but what I did find was:
- One has a 2A between the two middle
spark plugs
- The other has a 11A between the two
middle spark plugs

They do have what I believe are large freeze plugs on the end of the heads, which I believe I was told indicate early heads which would have been for a 239.

While I’m at it, the casting numbers on the block are: EBU 6015 F

For price, I would probably take whatever you think it is worth to you. I just don’t want to see it end up scrap.

Also, you asked about the casting numbers for the heads. Are you more interested in just the heads?
By PF Arcand - 7 Years Ago
No..was just trying to help out as there's very limited interest in the 1954 engines. Later heads if they fit (?) would help your sale. There is or was a 1954 Ford club of sorts, but I don't have any contact info. There could also be some interest thru the Crown Vic Assoc.  Tel #419-636-2475 or www.thecvaonline.com   .. I don't like to see vintage stuff scrapped either..
P.S.- Another avenue is Y-block Magazine, PO. box 1005, Ottawa Ilinois 61350.  Classifieds are .10 cents/word, minimum is only $3.00 ..
By paul2748 - 7 Years Ago
http://1954ford.com.  Site is active