PCV valley pan questions

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By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
Is it necessary to put something like course steel wool or stainless wool like that used to scrub pots inside the box under the outlet that's at the rear of the valley pan when doing a pcv conversion. I'm using the OEM teapot adapter from a 60's Y-block truck engine.
I'm just concerned about sucking oil in vacuum line.

By charliemccraney - 7 Years Ago
The baffle which is already in place on that pan should be all that you need.
By Joe-JDC - 7 Years Ago
A stainless steel pot scrubber that you can buy at the grocery store would be a better choice than steel wool.  The scrubber wont rust from moisture build up.  Joe-JDC
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
Joe-JDC (2/14/2018)
A stainless steel pot scrubber that you can buy at the grocery store would be a better choice than steel wool.  The scrubber wont rust from moisture build up.  Joe-JDC

That's what I was thinking of ultimately using. There are some gaps in the box which is the way it's supposed to be which is why I'm worried it may suck some of the oil vapor too easily without anything in there.
By charliemccraney - 7 Years Ago
It shouldn't.  I ran that same setup for years and the inside of the hose was always dry.
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
Does anyone know if the teapot adapter was originally painted the same color as the valley pan?

By oldcarmark - 7 Years Ago
The PCV System is designed to evacuate Fumes-not Oil. A correctly matched PCV Valve is important. I have this Type Pan on Mine with PCV and Road Draft Tube removed and blocked. Never had a problem with Oil consumption..
By 56_Fairlane - 7 Years Ago
Thanks. My worry was the vaccum from the carb base was going to suck oil that might get splashed by the rockers. BTW, Oldcarmark, what PCV valve are you using?