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By aussiebill - 17 Years Ago
Hi everyone, incase no ones mentioned it, there are some  great pictures of our Y block hero Karol miller at 59 Detroit drag finals with his Isky sponsered Lincoln rail. Its May 2008 issue in back pages. Happy reading. Aussiebill.
By lincoln62 - 17 Years Ago
Mat 2008 issue of what??

I remeber him in Hot Rod magazine when he whent to Bonneville , many years ago. had a 56 ford with exhaust pipes out the fenders!!

By Hoosier Hurricane - 17 Years Ago
As an update on Karol, I received a letter from him a couple weeks ago, he's doing fine.  Glad to hear that.

John in Selma, IN

By Eddie Paskey - 17 Years Ago
Great article on Karol Miller on the H.A.M.B.  Forum.    God Bless  
By Eddie Paskey - 17 Years Ago
H.A.M.B.  Is  Jalopy Journal.com.  Lotas of interesting Stuff.  Sorry for Goof on first note
By jakdad - 17 Years Ago
Where is Karol now? Haven't seen him in many years. I always admired his creativity. He could touch a carburetor and it would turn to gold. I well remember his 56 at the salt flats.
By Ted - 17 Years Ago
Eddie Paskey (8/4/2008)
Great article on Karol Miller on the H.A.M.B.  Forum.    God Bless  

Here’s the link but you may have to be a member of jalopyjournal.com to read it.
