Power Steering Pump and Power Cylinder

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By Dhaun - 7 Years Ago
Hello everyone, 

So I have been working on my 56 Montclair off and on for almost a year now. One of the last things I have to do before I can start driving her is to get the power steering in order. I am looking for a power steering pump. My car did not have one when I got it so I don't have a core to be rebuilt. I also need some help with the Power Cylinder. My car turns to the left great but it will not turn much past center when trying to turn it right. This is because the exposed shaft on the Power Cylinder is rusted up pretty bad. Would it be ok to sand the rust off? Or do I need to find one that is in working condition? Either way, I need some help. Please let me know if you have these parts available!

Devin Haun
By carl - 7 Years Ago
Devin  I have a power steering pump,if you still have my e mail address send me a message or pm me here   Carl
By martyk98 - 7 Years Ago
I'm interested in it if he isn't..
By carl - 7 Years Ago
He has not contacted me so I still have the pump,its boxed and ready to ship,send me a e mail at cl56vic@yahoo.com
By John Didde - 7 Years Ago
send to Lares Corp they can rebuild the pump and cylinder, I sent my merc cylinder to them came back like new