Y-BLOCK on Hot Rods cover

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By PF Arcand - 7 Years Ago
As many of you may know, Ted Eaton's EMC engine is featured on the cover of the March edition. Being that it's Hot Rod, that's a small miracle in itself ! A friend handed around a copy at our "Idlerz" coffee group a few days ago. I borrowed it, as I hadn't picked up a copy at that point, and noticed that while the cover made reference to the "vintage class" it didn't actally I.D.it as a Merc or Ford Y-block on the cover.. I couldn't let that go by.. so for fun, I printed up 2 small signs (one for my copy) & glued one to the engine photo that read; "This ain't no Chivy!" and I'll return the magazine tommorrow. It likely will stir up some comments..     
By PF Arcand - 7 Years Ago
Further; On page # 57 in reference to the Vintage class, it states .".vintage class is for domestic V8s introduced before 1954, with the exception of Ford Y-Block, Mel"...etc. I believe that should have read "before 1955". And therefore the Y-Block isn't an exception in class. Correct?