Veteran's Day
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By NoShortcuts - 8 Years Ago
Happy Veteran's Day to those who have served.

We have much to be thankful for...  Thank you for serving our country.  We're proud of you.

We hope that all is well with you and your families.

Charlie and Cheryl Brown
By carl - 8 Years Ago
Thank you Charlie Brown.  Carl , USN
By MoonShadow - 8 Years Ago
Thanks, Chuck 22 years two months U.S. Army
By pegleg - 8 Years Ago
Frank, USN, 4 yrs

By Daniel Jessup - 8 Years Ago
Happy belated Veterans Day fellas, my dad was drafted during Vietnam and I was born overseas during one of his tours in Germany. I have a few great uncles who served in WWII and received Purple Hearts. One is still alive, Otis Jessup, and has walked with a limp since 1943 when an enemy machine gun nest threw bullets up and down one of his legs. Both of my wife's grandfathers were in the Marine Corps during WWII and saw action in the Pacific. They lived to a ripe old age but were always hesitant to speak about what they went through. They were freedom loving patriots, fine men.

In my family tree I am proud to have had an original minuteman that served during the War for Independence. 

Tomorrow during our church services we will honor all of our vets, and my son will have the privilege of presenting the Flag of the Marine Corps. Needless to say it is a big deal with our church membership, several hundred strong will honor our men and women who have served. As a leader of a national children's ministry where thousands of kids participate in competitions across the country, we will begin our Regional Competitions this year by presenting the Colors and singing the National Anthem. In every state we hold these events, it will be my honor to take the lead and STAND with the boys and girls while we honor our country.

God bless you guys! Thank you so much