One More Move
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By Rono - 9 Years Ago
This Wednesday the moving van arrives to move us from Bishop, CA to Meridian, ID (about 8 miles West of Boise). This is the 4th move in 8 years, but I feel it is the best and definitely the last move. I lived in Boise for 20 years and liked it a lot. So I've come full circle! Should have never left, but I got to see a lot of country. We already have a house in Meridian with the best shop space of the last 3 places I've lived. 40x60 with 14' ceiling and a mezzanine for storage. We pull the plug on the internet tomorrow, just thought I'd let you guys know.
By paul2748 - 9 Years Ago
Good luck on your move
By miker - 9 Years Ago
Have a safe trip, and welcome back to the northwest.
By ian57tbird - 9 Years Ago
Have a good trip.
By 62bigwindow - 9 Years Ago
Best wishes and good luck on your move. Keep us posted.
By mainline - 9 Years Ago
Is this Ron of Ron's Small Engine Repair? If so, welcome back to the Treasure Valley, we may have crossed paths at a Firebird Raceway swap meet several years ago. If not welcome to the Treasure Valley. When you arrive and if you would like some Y-block comradery, email me at

By Rono - 9 Years Ago
That would be me, except I called the business Lanes Small Engine Repair. You're going back about 15 years! I'll be in touch when I get set-up again.
By NoShortcuts - 9 Years Ago
Best Wishes with the move, Ron.

Keep us posted on how it all goes.  There's nothing E-A-S-Y about moving, no matter how many times you do it.

... Thinking of you and yours.  -Be well!   Smile
