WTB Parts

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By Dhaun - 8 Years Ago
I recently purchased a 56 Montclair and I am trying to get it back on the road. It is a project that my wife, daughter, and myself are all doing together and we are trying to be as economical as possible. The 312 has been rebuilt but is missing a starter, generator, distributor, and torque converter. It has a water cooled mercomatic in it that was rebuilt as well. I have the old torque converter but it was left outside torn apart and the internals are rusted pretty bad. Any help on this quest would be greatly appreciated. I really want to keep the 312 in the car so please let me know if you have any of these parts or know someone that does.
By 62bigwindow - 8 Years Ago
Pm sent
By carl - 8 Years Ago
I have a lot of the parts you need.where are you located . Carl
By Ted - 8 Years Ago
Where are you at?  I have some transmission parts here but shipping may be prohibitive.  You might also consider installing a 1957 or newer distributor as an upgrade.
By Dhaun - 8 Years Ago
I am in New Orleans
By carl - 8 Years Ago
Dhaun (4/28/2016)
I am in New Orleans
I have a 56 distributor with pertronics installed and good dual vacuum advance ,it was removed from my 56 when I changed to a 57 dist,.I also have a good torque converter,and possibly starter and generator.You cantact me at cl56vic@yahoo.com   Carl ,   Ohio