By miker - 9 Years Ago
Drylakesracer sent me a heads up my inbox was full. I can't find a delete button. Could someone help me out here.
By Barry L - 9 Years Ago
Find the "your profile' icon, click on that, then click on "inbox", there should be a list of your messages, then at the bottom right corner of the screen there should be a box and a down arrow, click in the box for a selection of options, "move to ", delete, etc. Hope this works for you. Barry L.
By charliemccraney - 9 Years Ago
Toward the top right, you should see your user name with a gear icon next to it. Clicking on that gear opens a drop down menu. In that drop down menu will be several items, including "Inbox."
Click on "Inbox" to go to your inbox. You should now see your messages.
To the far right of your list of messages should be check boxes. Click on the check boxes of the messages you want to delete.
Scroll to the bottom of your list of messages and on the far right you should see a "Go" button. To the left of that "Go" button is another drop down menu. Click on that and select "delete"
Now click on "Go" and those messages should be deleted.
In the white box below the white box which displays your messages,you can see "total messages," and "available messages." Confirm that the messages have been deleted by refreshing the page and looking at that box.
In the 2nd white box of the left column, you can select your "Inbox," "Sent items" and "Deleted items." Each one of those may contain messages that need to be deleted.
By miker - 9 Years Ago
Thanks guys. Couldn't seem to make it work from the iPad, but went just as you said on the laptop.