Generator brackets
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By 62bigwindow - 9 Years Ago
Need a set of generator brackets for my engine swap. Anyone got a set?
By Bob Gardner - 9 Years Ago
I will take a look and see if I still have all of the pieces that came off my 292.  Do you need any 12 volt generators?  They could be yours for the price of shipping.
By 62bigwindow - 9 Years Ago
Thanks. I may be interested in the generator also. Wouldn't hurt to have a back up.
By Bob Gardner - 9 Years Ago
I have three.  One I know is good since I had it rebuilt a couple of years ago...the other two are ??? since they came with the truck when I bought it.  Where are you located?  How big of a hurry are you in for the bracket?  I think that my engine guy has one of the generator brackets.  It got mixed in with the new AC/Alternator brackets at the powder coater and just gave him everything in the box.  I might have scraped the lower adjustment bracket but the rest I am sure is attached to generator. 
By 62bigwindow - 9 Years Ago
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