292 complete engine with Mummert Engine Kit, Dual quad Set-up, T-Bird Valve covers,

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By suede57ford - 10 Years Ago

I was helping a close friend was build a Y-Block for a Model A. He is going early Hemi now(we are still friends anyway), so his Y-block stuff is available.
I personally am familiar with al of he parts as I was helping with the build.
Premium standard bore 292 with Mummert's Engine Kit including performance cam/lifters.  All the engine needs to be assembled is honed and cam bearing installed.  Very nice block to start with.
Pair of G heads, and a pair of 113's.  Heads need gone through.
'57 Dual quad Intake, with 4 good t-pot carbs(not e-code#'s) and 2 carb kits.
Nice Aluminum finned Mummert Valley pan machined to use with dual quad intake and aluminum filler tube installed.
Nice Original Polished T-Bird Valve covers
New water pump and all the motor dressings.
$3000 firm for everything.   All nice stuff.
Call me for information, as even though it's been several years I'm familiar with it.
It's in Lubbock, TX, but he is willing to put it all on a pallet for shipping.

Pat Fleischman
806 535-7043