transmission swap from 351 to 292
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By davemci - 10 Years Ago
I have a 56 Crown Vic that is running a 351 Windsor with auto trans it
  came with.    I have rebuilt 292  to install.   Question------is there a way
   to use 351 trans via adapter plates or whatever, or do I need to start
   looking for a period correct Fordomatic ? 
By 314 - 10 Years Ago
if its an fmx you can use it.the case is cast iron.
By paul2748 - 10 Years Ago
If it's either a C4 or a C6, there are adapter kits available although I don't know who makes the C6 adapter.  Flat-O-Matic make the C4 adapter kit.
By wlj1943 - 10 Years Ago
Also see the reference in technical  titled AOD behind a Y block. Many of the RCTB club members have done these; Bendtsen  adaptors have worked well for me. 
By davemci - 10 Years Ago
THanks for the help
By davemci - 10 Years Ago
Appreciate your help  -------Thanks  Dave
By davemci - 10 Years Ago
Apppreciate your  help-----thanks  Dave