Got a new Knee
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By Rono - 9 Years Ago
Wore out all the OEM joints from the waste down. So on Tuesday I had the last OEM joint replaced with a new titanium total left knee.  Everything went really well and I'm going home today, so now I have all new American made hips and knees. Might be a few weeks before I wrenching again, but I'll be side stepping the clutch and banging gears on my bike in no time.
By Rowen - 9 Years Ago
YEEHAWW!! Great ta hear Rono!! Ill say a prayer fer yer quick n complete healin!!
By miker - 9 Years Ago
Ron, glad to hear all went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

By MoonShadow - 9 Years Ago
My wife has been putting off two knee surgery for several years. Chuck
By paul2748 - 9 Years Ago
Follow the doc's  orders on getting back on your feet.  Trying to do things too fast could make the healing take longer. Good luck
By Brodie55 - 9 Years Ago
Welcome to the geezer garage, Ron. I have a bionic shoulder and hip so I look pretty feeble trying to get down and back up for those floor level jobs, but pain-free joints are well worth it. Hope your recovery goes smoothly.