How to reach a moderator and can not edit ads
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By 55 pick-up - 10 Years Ago
Try 3 weeks to reach a moderator-- NO LUCK or returm PM--Also can not edit any of my ads-- WHY ? ? 
By charliemccraney - 10 Years Ago
Which moderators have you pm'd?

I'm able to edit your post fine.  Do you see the edit button on the right side of the post?
Let me know what you want to change and I'll take care of it for now.  Send a pm if you need it to be private.  I'll let Ted know about your problem editing.  He'll be able to take a better look at the issue than I can.
By Ted - 10 Years Ago
55 pick-up (12/12/2014)
Try 3 weeks to reach a moderator-- NO LUCK or returm PM--Also can not edit any of my ads-- WHY ? ? 

For whatever reason, the PM’s and emails from the YBF site do not work for a majority of the members.  I’ve looked at the back ground settings for this and don’t find anything out of place so I’m at a loss for this one.

As Charlie mentions, the edit capability is there for the members to edit their own posts.  Just look for the edit button which should be located at the upper right of your post.  You do have to be logged into your account to do any editing though.

By charliemccraney - 10 Years Ago
55, I replied to your PM but haven't heard anything from you.  Did you get it?