New developements in Y Block performance
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By RB - 11 Years Ago
John Mummert has hit 1.6 hp/cube, which I think is the highest output we have seen yet.  Also a new single plane intake and 1.7 rockers

By pegleg - 11 Years Ago
Would this be legal in "pure" Stock???
By MoonShadow - 11 Years Ago
Very neat.
By RB - 11 Years Ago
Frank  It would be legal if there was a bowtie on the valve cover   lol
By Ted - 11 Years Ago
Royce.  Thanks for posting that link.  Those are some really good HP numbers and that single plane intake looks to be a very well designed piece.  1.6 HP/CI is indeed very stout. 
By D Woodruff - 11 Years Ago
Royce on the FE forum you mentioned a 3.7 stroke nearly ready for release.

Any particulars on this? 292 or 312 main journal sizes? Is john involved in this or some one else?

Don Woodruff
By pegleg - 11 Years Ago
RB tell John I said wow. Nice work.
By RB - 11 Years Ago
Word from a couple guys in the know is Scat will be offering a cast crank with 3.7 stroke, 292 main, 2.1 rod journal .. My would guess it would be 4-500 dollars given what they get for their other stuff.

By RB - 11 Years Ago
Frank, you probably already know, but the engine in the pictures also have the new Mummert front cover that is shallower by almost an inch.

The Boys in El Cajon  have been busy

By D Woodruff - 11 Years Ago
Thanks Royce.

It will be interesting to see what is needed to clear the cam with that much stroke.

I cannot feature anyone more in the know than John or Ted.
By RB - 11 Years Ago
I think I erred on the rod journal   2 inch    They would clear with a little massaging  
By pegleg - 11 Years Ago
Royce, been a while since I talked to John, probably a year or so. i knew about the cover, requires a shorter pan, but should be much easier on the cranks with a belt driver blower.
By charliemccraney - 11 Years Ago
By John Mummert - 11 Years Ago

We've been working on a new crank for some time. It is cast form nodular iron with enough material for 312 or 292 mains and 3.75" stroke. Got a sample last week.
By Hoosier Hurricane - 11 Years Ago
No center counterweights?
By John Mummert - 11 Years Ago
John, the crankshaft was based on the C1TE steel crankshaft. No center counterweights