We had an interview with Don Galaz with the Brotherhood of International Racers regarding the process to reopen this track in San Pedro, CA.
They can use your help by signing the online petition. Go to their website and check it out.
Facebook page
Tell your buddies and help keep kids from street racing.
This is a good cause.
Podcast interview
We had an interview with Don Galaz from the Brotherhood of International Racers about reopening the old drag strip on Terminal Island in San Pedro, CA.
You guys can help. Irwindale is to close in December and we will lose another track.
Terminal Island can facilitate an 1/8th mile easily or maybe a 1,000 ft track.
Go to their Facebook page, sign the petition and tell your buddies. it comes down to drilling on politicians and mayor Garcetti.
We had an interview with Don Galaz from the Brotherhood of International Racers about reopening the old drag strip on Terminal Island in San Pedro, CA.
You guys can help. Irwindale is to close in December and we will lose another track.
Terminal Island can facilitate an 1/8th mile easily or maybe a 1,000 ft track.
Go to their Facebook page, sign the petition and tell your buddies. it comes down to drilling on politicians and mayor Garcetti.