User reputation???
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By paul2748 - 10 Years Ago
Just noticed that -what is it??
By Daniel Jessup - 10 Years Ago
I am pretty sure that is simply how many posts you have made... don't think it has anything to do with a feedback system like eBay or something like that.

By Ted - 10 Years Ago

The User Reputation counter has to do with the number of activities a forum member does. If you go to your profile and towards the bottom of that page, the activities are listed numerically along with the date they occurred. Past month logs are also available. If a forum member simply visits the site without posting, emailing, private messaging, or other site functions, then there are zero activities being logged. Perhaps when the new software is installed some of those ‘not needed’ extras can be modified or removed. I've not seen a real need for the User Reputation counter myself.